owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
140 Overviewofclimatecontrolsystems
Useful information tersoutpollen.Italsoreducesgaseouspol-
lutants and odors. A clogged filter reduces
iThisOperator'sManualdescribes allthe amount of air supplied to the vehicle
modelsandallstandardandoptionalequip-interior. For this reason, you should always
mentofyourvehicleavailableatthetimeofobservetheinterval for replacing the filter,
publication of the Operator's Manual.which is specified in the Maintenance
Country-specific differences are possible.Booklet. As it depends on environmental
Please note that your vehicle may not beconditions, e.g. heavy air pollution, the
equipped with all features described. Thisinterval may be shorter than stated in the
also applies to safety-related systems andMaintenance Booklet.
functions. iItispossiblethattheblowermaybeacti-
iReadtheinformationonqualifiedspecial-vated automatically 60 minutes after the
ist workshops (Y page 27). SmartKeyhasbeenremoveddependingon
various factors, e.g. the outside tempera-
ture. The vehicle is then ventilated for
ol Overviewofclimatecontrolsystems 30minutestodrytheclimate control sys-
r tem.
contGeneral notes
e Observe the settings recommended on the
atfollowing pages. The windows could other-
wise fog up.
ClimTo prevent the windows from fogging up:
Rswitch off climate control only briefly
Rswitch on air-recirculation mode only
Rswitch on the cooling with air dehumidifi-
cation function
Rswitch on the defrost windshield function
briefly, if required
Climate control regulates the temperature
and air humidity in the vehicle interior. The
interior filter cleans the air, thus improving
the interior climate.
If youstarttheengineusingyoursmartphone,
the last selected climate control setting is
reactivated (Y page 156).
iVentilatethevehicle for a brief period
during warm weather, e.g. using the con-
will speed up the cooling process and the
desired interior temperature will be
reached more quickly.
iTheintegratedfilter filters out most par-
ticles of dust and soot and completely fil-

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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