owners manual Peugeot 206
owners manual Peugeot 206 - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Peugeot 206 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 206, year of production 1998 - 2012:
70 YOUR 206 IN DETAIL 71
Selecting a service Note: if the service selected is not GPS details
If you wish to be directed to a serv-available in the programmed loca-
ice, select the category correspond-tion, a temporary message informs
ing to the service, then coni rm by you of this.
pressing the dial. Following validation of the location,
The list of services corresponding to the service closest to it is displayed.
the category selected is displayed. The distance indicated is the dis-
Select the service then coni rm tance as the crow l ies from the serv-
by pressing the dial to access the ice to the selected location.
"Choice of a location" function. The most recent destinations are
There are three possible methods
of dei ning the location to which you
wish to travel:
- accept the last details input by
An indication on the edge of the means of the "OK" function,
screen (x/n) shows you the maximum - input the details of your destina-
number of establishments providing tion,
The last address entered is dis-the same service within a radius of - automatically input the details of
played. 30 miles (50 km), as the crow l ies, your current location by means of
There are three options for dei ning from the selected location.the "Curr. loc." function.
the location in which you wish to ob-Use buttons "<" and ">" to consult
tain this service: the list provided.
- accept the last address entered us-When the establishment of your
ing the "OK" function, choice is displayed, you can:
- i ll in the "Town" and "Road" • select the "OK" function to activate
zones, guidance towards this service,
- automatically enter the name of • select the "Store" function to enter
your current location using the this establishment in your directory.
"Curr. loc." function.
14-06-2004 14-06-2004

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year of production from: 1998

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