owners manual Peugeot 206
owners manual Peugeot 206 - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Peugeot 206 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 206, year of production 1998 - 2012:
68 YOUR 206 IN DETAIL 69
Entering the name of the townWhen the list contains fewer than i ve Entering the number of the road
names, these are displayed automa-or junction
tically. Select a town then validate by
pressing the dial.
When the complete name of the town
is displayed, select the "OK" function
then coni rm by pressing the dial.
Note: once the town has been en-
tered, you can coni rm by pressing
To enter the name of a town, select "OK". You will then be guided to the Enter the number of the street previ-
each letter by turning the dial, then centre of this town automatically.ously entered.
validate each letter by pressing the Select the "OK" function, then con-
dial. Entering the name of the roadi rm by pressing the dial.
If an error is made entering the let-Enter the name of the street in the Note: if the number of the street en-
ters, the "Change" function permits same way as the name of the town.tered is not available, it is rejected.
erasing of the last letter entered.When the full name of the street is You can also select a street from the
Note: following the validation of a displayed, select the "OK" function "Junctions" function, which avoids
letter, only those which could make then coni rm by pressing the dial.having to enter the street number.
up a name existing in the database Note: if the street selected does not
appear. have a number, the list of junctions is
As letters are entered, the "List" Entering the town and road using displayed automatically.
function indicates the number of the alphanumeric keypad
towns beginning with the same let-Press the numeric key which corre-The full destination is displayed.
ters. Activation of this function per-sponds to the letter required until the Select the "OK" function, then
mits selection of a town from the list.letter appears on the screen, then coni rm by pressing the dial to ac-
coni rm by pressing the # key after cess the guidance activation func-
each letter. tion. Follow the instructions given
by the system.

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year of production from: 1998

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