owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
SPECIAL WINTER EQUIPMENT ● Whatever the condition, drive withENGINE BLOCK HEATER
It is recommended that the following itemscaution. Accelerate and slow down(if so equipped)
be carried in the vehicle during winter:with care. If accelerating or down-An engine block heater to assist extreme
shifting too fast, the drive wheelscoldtemperaturestartingisavailable
1. A scraper and stiff-bristled brush to re-will lose even more traction.through an authorized NISSAN dealer.
move ice and snow from the windows● Allow more stopping distance under
and wiper blades. these conditions. Braking should be WARNING
2. A sturdy, flat board to be placed understarted soonerthanondrypavement.Do not use your heater with an un-
the jack to give it firm support.● Allowgreaterfollowingdistancesongrounded electrical system or two-
3. A shovel to dig the vehicle out of snow-slippery roads.pronged(cheater)adapters.Youcanbe
drifts. ● Watch for slippery spots (glare ice).injuredbyanelectricalshockifyouuse
These may appear on an otherwisean ungrounded connection.
4. Extra window washer fluid to refill theclear road in shaded areas. If a patch
reservoir tank. of ice is seen ahead, brake before
DRIVING ON SNOW OR ICE reaching it. Try not to brake while on
the ice, and avoid any sudden steer-
WARNING ing maneuvers.
● Wetice(32°F,0°Candfreezingrain),● Donotusecruisecontrolonslippery
very cold snow or ice can be slickroads.
and very hard to drive on. The ve-● Snow can trap dangerous exhaust
hicle will have much less traction orgases under your vehicle. Keep
‘‘grip’’ under these conditions.Trytosnow clear of the exhaust pipe and
avoid driving on wet ice until thefrom around your vehicle.
road is salted or sanded.
5-22 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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