owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
locking up, the actuator (under the hood)erates normally, but without anti-lock assis-● When replacing tires, install the
rapidly applies and releases hydraulic pres-tance.specified tire size on all four wheels.
sure (like pumping the brakes very quickly).If the light comes on during the self-test or● When installing a spare tire, make
While the actuator is working, you may feelwhile driving, take the vehicle to an autho-sure it is the proper size and type as
a pulsation in the brake pedal and hear arized NISSAN dealer for repair.specified on the tire placard. For tire
noise or vibration from the actuator under placard location information, refer to
the hood. This is normal and indicates thatWARNING‘‘Tire placard’’ in the ‘‘Technical and
the anti-lock system is working properly.● The anti-lock brake system is a so-consumer information’’ section of
However, the pulsation may indicate thatphisticated device, but it cannot pre-this manual.
road conditions are hazardous and extravent accidents resulting from care-● For additional information, refer to
care is required while driving.lessordangerous driving tech-‘‘Wheels and tires’’ in the ‘‘Mainte-
Self-test feature niques. It can help maintain vehiclenance and do-it-yourself’’ section of
control during braking on slipperythis manual.
The anti-lock brake system is a sophisti-surfaces, but remember that the stop-
cated device with electronic sensors, elec-ping distance on slippery surfaces
tric pumps, and hydraulic solenoids con-will be longer than on normal sur-
trolled by a computer. The computer has afaces, even with the anti-lock brake
built-in diagnostic feature that tests the sys-system. Stopping distances may also
tem each time you start the engine andbe longer on rough, gravel or snow
move the vehicle at a low speed in forwardcovered roads, or if you are using tire
or reverse. When the self-test occurs, youchains. Always maintain a safe dis-
may hear a ‘‘clunk’’ noise and/or feel atance from the vehicle in front of you.
pulsation in the brake pedal. This is normalUltimately,theresponsibilityfor
and is not an indication of any malfunction.safety of self and others rests in the
If the computer senses any malfunction, ithands of the driver.
switches the anti-lock brake system OFFTire type and condition of tires may
and turns on the ABS brake warning light inalso affect braking effectiveness.
the dashboard. The brake system then op-
5-20 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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