owners manual Subaru Outback
owners manual Subaru Outback - year of production: 2014 - Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Outback, year of production 2014:
2-32 Keysanddoors/Child safety locks
impacts by sounding the horn and flashingChild safety locksWindows
the hazard warning flashers, both lasting
approximately 30 seconds.
If you desire, your SUBARU dealer canWARNING WARNING
connect them and set them for activation
or deactivation. Alwaysturnthechildsafety locks toTo avoid serious personal injury
NOTE the “LOCK” position when childrencaused by entrapment, always con-
sit on the rear seat. Serious injuryform to the following instructions
. The shock sensors are not alwayscould result if a child accidentallywithout exception.
abletosenseimpactscausedbybreak-opens the door and falls out When operating the power win-
ing in, and cannot sense an impact that dows, be extremely careful to
does not cause vibration (such as prevent anyone’s fingers, arms,
breaking the glass using a rescue neck, head or other objects from
hammer). being caught in the window.
. The shock sensors may sense vi- . Alwayslockthepassengers’win-
bration like those shown in the follow- dowsusingthelockswitchwhen
ing examples and trigger the alarm children are riding in the vehicle.
system and shock sensors appropri- . Before leaving the vehicle, al-
ately depending on where you usually ways remove the key from the
park your vehicle. ignition switch for safety and
Examples: never allow an unattended child
– Vibration from construction site to remain in the vehicle. Failure
– Vibration in multistory car park to follow this procedure could
– Vibration from trains Each rear door has a child safety lock.result in injury to a child operat-
. You can have the sensitivity of theWhen the child safety lock lever is in theing the power window.
shock sensors adjusted to your pre-“LOCK” position, the door cannot be
ference by your SUBARU dealer.opened from inside. The door can onlyThe power windows operate only when
be opened from the outside.the ignition switch is in the “ON” position.
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year of production from: 2014
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Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual
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