owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
electronic key. The driver’s seat, steeringfor at least 1 second.O Whenthe key is inserted into the igni-
column and outside mirrors will move toThe driver’s seat, steering column andtion switch.
the memorized position. outside mirrors will move to the O When the driver’s door is closed with
Confirming memory storagememorized position with the indicatorthe key turned to LOCK.
O Turn the ignition ON and push the SETlight flashing, and then the light will OWhen the key is turned from ACC to
switch. If the main memory has notstay on for approximately 5 seconds.ON while the automatic transmission
been stored, the indicator light will ENTRY/EXIT FUNCTIONselector lever is in the P (Park) posi-
come on for approximately 0.5 sec-This system is designed so that the driv-tion.
onds. When the memory has stored er’s seat, steering column and outsideThe entry/exit feature can be adjusted or
the position, the indicator light willmirror will automatically move when the canceled. See “Vehicle electronic sys-
stay on for approximately 5 seconds.automatic transmission selector lever is intems” in the “Display screen, heater, air
O Ifthe battery cable is disconnected, orthe P (Park) position. This allows the conditioner and audio systems” section of
if the fuse opens, the memory will bedriver to get into and out of the driver’sthis manual.
canceled. In such a case, reset the de-seat more easily.SYSTEM OPERATION
sired positions using the following
procedures. The driver’s seat will slide backward andThe automatic drive positioner system will
1. Open and close the driver’s door morethe steering wheel will move up:not work or will stop operating under the
than two times with the ignition key inO When the key is removed from the ig-following conditions:
the LOCK position. nition switch. O when the vehicle speed is above 4
2. Reset the desired position using the O When the driver’s door is opened withMPH (7 km/h).
previous procedure. the key turned to LOCK.O when any two of the memory switches
Selecting the memorized positionO When the key is turned from ACC toare simultaneously pushed while the
1. Set the shift selector lever to the PLOCK with the driver’s door open whileautomatic drive positioner is oper-
(Park) position. the automatic transmission selector ating.
lever is in the P (Park) position.O whentheadjusting switch for the driv-
2. Turn the ignition ON.The driver’s seat and steering wheel willer’s seat is moved while the automatic
3. Push the memory switch (1 or 2) fullyreturn to the previous position:drive positioner is operating.
3-22 Pre-driving checks and adjustments
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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