owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
information, see “Seats” in the “1.2. Turn the ignition ON. (Do not start theRepeat the above procedure to adjust
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supple-engine.)the right mirror position and store in
mental restraint system” section and 3. Push the memory switch 1 or 2 fullythe selected memory.
“Steering wheel” and “Outside mir-for at least 1 second to operate the O When the driver’s seat, outside mirror
rors” earlier in this section.automatic drive positioner.and steering column are not in the
During this step, do not turn the igni-4. Turn the outside mirror control switchmemorized position, the outside
tion to any positions other than ON.to L (left).mirror will move with the initial tilt-
4. Push the SET switch and, within 5 sec- down angle, if the reverse tilt-down
onds, push the memory switch (1 or 2)5. Depress the brake pedal.position is stored.
fully for at least 1 second.6. Move the automatic transmission shiftLinking an electronic key to a
The indicator light for the pushedlever to R (Reverse).stored memory position
memory switch will come on and stay7. Adjust the mirror to the desired
on for approximately 5 seconds afterviewing position for backing up by op-An electronic key can be linked to a
pushing the switch. After the indicatorerating the outside mirror controlstored memory position with the following
light goes off, the selected positionsswitch.procedure.
are stored in the selected memory (18. Push the SET switch and, within 5 sec-1. Follow the steps for storing a memory
or 2). onds, push the memory switch 1 or 2position.
If memory is stored in the sameselected in step 3 fully for at least 12. While the indicator light for the
memory switch, the previous memorysecond. memory switch being set is illumi-
will be deleted. O The indicator light for the pushednated for 5 seconds (at step 4 of stor-
Procedure for storing the outsidememory switch will come on and staying the automatic drive positioner
mirror positions for best visibilityon for approximately 5 seconds aftermemory), push the “UNLOCK” button
when backing up pushing the switch. After the indicatoron the electronic key. The indicator
light goes off, the selected mirror po-light will blink. After the indicator light
Two outside mirror positions for backingsitionisstored in the selectedgoes off, the electronic key is linked to
up can be stored in the automatic drivememory (1 or 2).that memory setting.
positioner memory. 9. Turn the outside mirror control switchWith the key removed from the ignition
1. Set the parking brake.to R (right). switch, push the “UNLOCK” button on the
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-21
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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