owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Nissan Sentra V 5 N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2000 - 2006:
The brake system has two separate hydraulicWARNING eachwheelandvariesthebrakefluidpressureto
circuits. If one circuit malfunctions, you will still prevent each wheel from locking and sliding. By
have braking at two wheels. ● While driving on a slippery surface, bepreventing wheel lockup, the system helps the
BRAKEPRECAUTIONS careful when braking, accelerating ordriver maintainsteeringcontrolandhelpstomini-
downshifting. Abrupt braking or accel-mizeswervingandspinningonslipperysurfaces.
Vacuumassisted brakes erating could cause the wheels to skid
andresult in an accident. Using the system
The brake booster aids braking by using engine● If the engine is not running or is turnedDepress the brake pedal and hold it down.
vacuum. If the engine stops, you can stop theoff while driving, the power assist for
vehicle by depressing the brake pedal. However,thebrakeswillnotwork.BrakingwillbeWARNING
greater foot pressure on the brake pedal will beharder. Do not pump the brake pedal. Doing so
required to stop the vehicle and stopping dis-Wetbrakes may resultinincreasedstopping
tance will be longer. distances.
Using the brakes When the vehicle is washed or driven through
water, the brakes may get wet. As a result, yourNormal operation
Avoid resting your foot on the brake pedal whilebraking distance will be longer and the vehicleThe anti-lock brake system does not operate at
driving.Thiswilloverheatthebrakes,wearoutthemaypull to one side during braking.speeds below3-6MPHkm/h)(5-1. (The0
brake linings and pads faster, and reduce gasTo dry the brakes, drive the vehicle at a safespeeds vary according to road conditions.)
mileage. speed while lightly pressing the brake pedal to
To help reduce brake wear and to prevent theheatupthebrakes.DothisuntilthebrakesreturnWhen driving, the anti-lock brake system con-
brakes from overheating, reduce speed andto normal. Avoid driving the vehicle at hightrols the wheels so they will not lock when brak-
downshift to a lower gear before going down aspeeds until the brakes function correctly.ing abruptly or when braking on a slippery road.
slope or long grade. Overheated brakes may Thus, difficult steering and swerving of the ve-
reduce braking performance and could result inANTI-LOCKBRAKESYSTEM(ABS)hicle due to locked wheels is minimized. The
loss of vehicle control. (if so equipped) system detects the wheel rotation rate and elec-
tronically controls the pressure applied to each
each wheel so the wheels do not lock whenpanied by noise usually occurs while the ABS
braking abruptly or when braking on slippery sur-system is operating. Such vibration and noise
faces. The system detects the rotation speed atencounteredduringabruptbrakingisnotaprob-
5-18 Starting and driving
ZREVIEWCOPY:—2003Sentra (b15)
Owners Manual (owners) —USA English (nna)

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year of production from: 2000

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