owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Nissan Sentra V 5 N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2000 - 2006:
WARNING 3. Reinsert the key and turn it to the ACC
Apply the parking brake if the selector4. Depress the foot brake pedal and move the
lever is in any position while the engine isshift selector lever to N (Neutral).
not running. Failure to do so could cause
the vehicle to move unexpectedly or roll5. Start the engine.
or property damage. These instructions for starting the vehicle in N
P(Park): (Neutral)shouldonlybeuseduntilservicecanbe
obtained at a NISSAN dealership.
Use this selector position when the vehicle isR(Reverse):
parked or when starting the engine. Make sure
the vehicle is completely stopped. The brakeUse this position to back up. Make sure the
pedal must be depressed and the selectorvehicle is completely stopped before selecting R
WSD0043leverbuttonpushedintomovetheselector(Reverse) position. The brake pedal must be
To move the selector lever: lever from the N (Neutral) or any drive po-depressed and the selector lever button
sition to P (Park). Apply the parking brake.pushedintomovetheselectorleverfromP
: Depress the button to shiftWhen parking on a hill, apply the parking brake(Park),N(Neutral)oranydrivepositiontoR
: Shift without depressing buttonfirst, then shift the selector lever into the P (Park)(Reverse).
Shifting position. N(Neutral):
Pushtheshift selector lever button to shift into PShifting from P (Park)Neitherforwardnorreversegearisengaged.The
(Park), R (Reverse) or from D (Drive) to 2. AllIf the ignition switch is in the ON position and theengine can be started in this position. You may
other positions can be selected without pushingfoot brake pedal is depressed, but the shift se-shift to N (Neutral) and restart a stalled engine
the button. lector lever still cannot be moved out of P (Park),while the vehicle is moving.
follow these instructions. D(Drive):
1. Turn the ignition key to the LOCK position.Usethis position for all normal forward driving.
2. Apply the parking brake.
5-8 Starting and driving
ZREVIEWCOPY:—2003Sentra (b15)
Owners Manual (owners) —USA English (nna)

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sentra V 5 N16 owners manual
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