owners manual Land Rover Freelander
owners manual Land Rover Freelander - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Land Rover Freelander I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Land Rover Freelander, year of production 1996 - 2006:
Locks & Alarm
If the handset is lost or fails to operate, the alarm can be disarmedWhenenteringacode:
and the engine re-mobilised by using the key to enter a unique four• ENSUREeachkey
Security card and is entered as follows:movementiscarriedout
with care and precision
and turned through the full
1. With the vehicle locked and the alarm armed,extent of its travel.
turn the key (towards the front of the vehicle) to the• Afterturning the key to
UNLOCKpositiononce,to unlock the vehicle. Noweither the lock or unlock
wait for 6 minutes before entering the code. Duringpositions, make sure it is
the waiting period, the key can be removed and theFULLYreturnedto the
doors opened, if desired. centre (vertical) position.
• Ifyouforgetyour place in
2. After six minutes, enter the first number of thethe sequence of key
operations and therefore
code. If the first number is 4, turn the key to thedo not complete a code,
UNLOCKposition4times.Ensurethe keyis fullyopen and then shut the
returned to the centre position after each turn.door and start entering the
code again (this will not
3. Enter the second number of the code. If thecount as a failed attempt).
secondnumberis3,turnthekey(towardsthe rear
of the vehicle) to the LOCK position 3 times.
Remember;thekeymustbefullyreturnedto theOperating Tip
centre position after each turn.If the engine is not started
within five minutes of the
emergency key access code
4. Enter the third number of the code. If the thirdentry, the engine will
numberisa12,turnthekeytotheUNLOCKimmobilise again and the code
position twelve times, ensuring that the key is fullywill have to be re-entered from
returned to the centre position after each turn.item 1.
5. Enter the fourth number of the code. If the fourthNOTE:If the handset is
numberis1, turn the key to the LOCK positioninoperable, the emergency key
access code must be entered
once. Ensure the key is fully returned to the centreEVERYtimeyouneedtostart
position afterwards. the engine.
6. Finally, turn the key to the UNLOCK position once
engine. If the code has been entered successfully,
the anti-theft alarm indicator light will extinguish,
the doors will unlock to Single Point Entry (if
selected) and the engine can be started.
NOTE:Duringtheaboveprocedure,the anti-theft indicator light will
continue to flash (indicating that the alarm is still partially armed).

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year of production from: 1996

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