owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
other vehicles or objects, or cause the
WARNING inspectedpromptlybyanauthorizedvehicle to rollover, particularly if the loss
● Theexhaustgasandtheexhaustsys-NISSAN dealer. of control causes the vehicle to slide
tem are very hot. Keep people, ani-● Avoid driving with an extremely lowsideways. Be attentive at all times, and
mals or flammable materials awayfuel level. Running out of fuel couldavoid driving when tired. Never drive when
from the exhaust system compo-cause the engine to misfire, damag-under the influence of alcohol or drugs
nents. ing the three-way catalyst.(including prescription or over-the-counter
● Donotstop or park the vehicle over● Do not race the engine while warm-drugs which may cause drowsiness). Al-
flammable materials such as drying it up. ways wear your seat belt as outlined in the
grass, waste paper or rags. They● Do not push or tow your vehicle to‘‘Seats, restraints and supplemental air bag
mayignite and cause a fire.start the engine. systems’’ section of this manual, and also
instruct your passengers to do so.
● Donotuseleadedgasoline.DepositsROLLOVER ANDDRIVING
from leaded gasoline seriously re- WARNING
duce the three-way catalyst’s abilityWARNING Never drive under the influence of alco-
to help reduce exhaust pollutants.Failure to operate this vehicle in a safehol or drugs. Alcohol in the bloodstream
● Keepyourenginetunedup.Malfunc-and prudent manner may result in lossreduces coordination, delays reaction
tions in the ignition, fuel injection, orof control or an accident.timeandimpairsjudgement.Drivingafter
electrical systems can cause over- drinking alcohol increases the likelihood
rich fuel flow into the three-way cata- of being involved in an accident injuring
lyst, causing it to overheat. Do notBe alert and drive defensively at all times.yourself and others. Additionally, if you
keep driving if the engine misfires,Obeyall traffic regulations. Avoid excessiveare injured in an accident, alcohol can
or if noticeable loss of performancespeed, high speed cornering, or suddenincrease the severity of injury.
or other unusual operating condi-steering maneuvers, because these driving
tions are detected. Have the vehiclepractices could cause you to lose control of
your vehicle. As with any vehicle, loss ofNISSAN is committed to safe driving. How-
control could result in a collision withever, you must choose not to drive under
Starting and driving5-3

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
pages 111 - 117
Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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