owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
pdf (1.95 MB) 235 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
WARNING bon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is● If electrical wiring or other cable
● Do not leave children, impaireddangerous. It can cause uncon-connections must pass to a trailer
adults, or pets alone in your vehicle.sciousness or death.through the seal on the trunk lid or
Theycouldaccidentally injure them-● If you suspect that exhaust fumesthe body, follow the manufacturer’s
selves or others through inadvertentare entering the vehicle, drive withrecommendation to prevent carbon
operation of the vehicle. Also, onall windows fully open, and have themonoxide entry into the vehicle.
hot, sunny days, temperatures in avehicle inspected immediately.● The exhaust system and body
closedvehiclecouldquicklybecome● Do not run the engine in closedshould be inspected by a qualified
highenoughtocausesevereorpos-spaces such as a garage.mechanic whenever:
sibly fatal injuries to people or ani-● Do not park the vehicle with thea. The vehicle is raised for service.
mals. engine running for any extendedb. You suspect that exhaust fumes
● Closely supervise children whenlength of time. are entering into the passenger
theyarearoundcarstopreventthem● Keep the trunk lid closed while driv-compartment.
from playing and becoming lockeding, otherwise exhaust gases couldc. You notice a change in the sound
in the trunk where they could bebe drawn into the passenger com-of the exhaust system.
seriously injured. Keep the carpartment. If you must drive with the
locked, with the trunk closed, whentrunk lid open, follow these precau-d. You have had an accident involv-
not in use, and prevent children’stions. ingdamagetotheexhaustsystem,
access to car keys. underbody, or rear of the vehicle.
1. Open all the windows. THREE-WAYCATALYST
EXHAUSTGAS(carbon monoxide) 2. Set theair recirculation but-
WARNING ton (if so equipped) to off and theThe three-way catalyst is an emission con-
fan control dial to 4 (high) to cir-trol device installed in the exhaust system.
● Do not breathe exhaust gases; theyculate the air. Exhaust gases in the three-way catalyst are
contain colorless and odorless car- burned at high temperatures to help reduce
5-2 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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