owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
03 Your driving environment
Hill Descent Control (HDC)
1 Function
Introduction NOTE
Normally, when the accelerator pedal is HDC cannot be activated if the gear selector
released while driving down hills, the vehicle's is the D position.
speed slows as the engine runs at lower rpm
(the normal engine braking effect). However, if
the downhill gradient becomes steeper and if Using HDC
03 the vehicle is carrying a load, speed increases HDC allows the car to roll forward at a maxi-
despite the engine braking effect. In this situa- mum speed of 6 mph (10 km/h), and 4 mph
tion, the brakes must be applied to reduce the (7 km/h) in reverse. However, the accelerator
vehicle's speed. pedal can be used to select any speed that is
HDC is a type of automatic engine brake and possible in first or reverse gears. When the
makes it possible to increase or decrease the accelerator pedal is released, speed is quickly
vehicle's speed on downhill gradients using reduced again to 6 mph (10 km/h) or 4 mph
only the accelerator pedal, without applying • HDC can be switched on and off with the (7 km/h), depending on the gear selected,
the brakes. The brake system functions auto- button in the center console. An indicator regardless of the hill's gradient. It is not nec-
matically to maintain a low and steady speed. light in the button illuminates when HDC is essary to apply the brakes.
HDC is particularly useful when driving down activated. • The brake lights illuminate automatically
steep hills with rough surfaces, and where the • The indicator light in the instrument when HDC is controlling the vehicle's
road may have slippery patches. panel illuminates and a message is dis- speed.
played when the system is controlling the • The driver can slow or stop the vehicle at
WARNING vehicle's speed. any time by applying the brakes.
HDC does not function in all situations, and • HDC only functions when first or reverse HDC is deactivated when:
is a supplementary braking aid. The driver gears are selected (1 will be shown in the • The button on the center console is
has full responsibility for driving in a safe instrument panel display when first gear is pressed
manner. selected). • A gear higher than first gear is selected
• D is selected on vehicles with an automatic
1 HDC is only available on the XC70, on which it is standard equipment.

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year of production from: 2007

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Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual
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