owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
03 Your driving environment
Brake system Power brakes function only when theslower, which means that the cooling of the
The brake system is a hydraulic system con-engine is runningbrakes is less efficient than when driving on
sisting of two separate brake circuits. If a prob-The power brakes utilize vacuum pressurelevel roads. To reduce the strain on the brakes,
lem should occur in one of these circuits, it iswhich is only created when the engine is run-shift into a lower gear and let the engine help
still possible to stop the vehicle with the otherning. Never let the vehicle roll to a stop with thewith the braking. Do not forget that if you are
brake circuit. engine switched off. towing a trailer, the brakes will be subjected to
03 If the brake pedal must be depressed fartherIf the power brakes are not working, consider-a greater than normal load.
than normal and requires greater foot pressure,ably higher pressure will be required on theAnti-lock braking system
the stopping distance will be longer.brake pedal to compensate for the lack ofThe Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) helps to
A warning light in the instrument panel will lightpower assistance. This can happen for exam-improve vehicle control (stopping and steering)
up to warn the driver that a fault has occurred.ple when towing your vehicle or if the engine isduring severe braking conditions by limiting
switched off when the vehicle is rolling. Thebrake lockup. When the system "senses"
If this light comes on while driving or braking,brake pedal feels harder than usual.impending lockup, braking pressure is auto-
stop immediately and check the brake fluidWater on brake discs and brake padsmatically modulated in order to help prevent
level in the reservoir. lockup that could lead to a skid.
affects braking
NOTE Driving in rain and slush or passing through anThe system performs a brief self-diagnostic
automatic car wash can cause water to collecttest when the engine has been started and
Press the brake pedal hard and maintainon the brake discs and pads. This will cause adriver releases the brake pedal. Another auto-
pressure on the pedal – do not pump thedelay in braking effect when the pedal ismatic test may be performed when the vehicle
brakes. depressed. To avoid such a delay when thefirst reaches a speed of approximately 25 mph
brakes are needed, depress the pedal occa-(40 km/h). The brake pedal will pulsate several
WARNING sionally when driving through rain, slush, etc.times and a sound may be audible from the
If the fluid level is below the MIN mark in theThis will remove the water from the brakes.ABS control module. This is normal.
reservoir or if a brake system message isCheck that brake application feels normal. ThisCleaning the brake discs
shown in the information display: DO NOTshould also be done after washing or startingCoatings of dirt and water on the brake discs
DRIVE. Have the vehicle towed to a trainedin very damp or cold weather.may result in delayed brake function. This delay
and qualified Volvo service technician andSevere strain on the brake systemis minimized by cleaning the brake linings.
have the brake system inspected.
The brakes will be subject to severe strainCleaning the brake pads is advisable in wet
when driving in mountains or hilly areas, orweather, prior to long-term parking, and after
when towing a trailer. Vehicle speed is usuallythe vehicle has been washed. Do this by brak-

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year of production from: 2007

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