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from owners manual to the vehicle Fiat Tipo, year of production 2015:
OPERATIONWITHA parking assistance system
TRAILER performance can also be influenced byIMPORTANT
The operation of the sensors isthe position of the sensors, for example
automatically deactivated when thedue to a change in the ride setting41) The sensors must be clean of mud,
trailer's electrical connection is inserted(caused by wear to the shockdirt, snow or ice in order for the system to
in the vehicle's tow hook socket.absorbers, suspension), or by changingoperate correctly. Be careful not to scratch
Sensors are reactivated on removingtyres, overloading the vehicle or fittingor damage the sensors while cleaning
specific trims that require the vehicle tothem. Avoid using dry, rough or hard
the trailer's electrical connection. cloths. The sensors should be washed
IMPORTANTNOTES be lowered; using clean water with the addition of car
the presence of a tow hook withoutshampooif necessary. When using special
Whenparking, take the utmost caretrailer, which may interfere with thewashing equipment such as high pressure
over obstacles that may be above orcorrect operation of the parkingjets or steam cleaning, clean the sensors
under the sensor. Objects close to thesensors; very quickly keeping the jet more than 10
vehicle are not detected under certainthe presence of adhesives on the42) Have interventions on the bumper in
circumstances and could thereforesensors. Therefore, take care not tothe area of the sensors carried out only by
cause damage to the vehicle or beplace adhesives on the sensors.a Fiat Dealership. Interventions on the
damaged. bumperthat are not carried out properly
maycompromisetheoperation of the
Someconditions may influence the parking sensors
performance of the parking system: WARNING 43) Only have the bumpers repainted or
reduced sensor sensitivity and a any retouches to the paintwork in the area
reduction in the parking assistance of the sensors carried out by a Fiat
120) Parking and other potentiallyDealership. Incorrect paint application
system performance could be due todangerous manoeuvres are, however,could affect the operation of the parking
the presence of: ice, snow, mud, paint,always the driver’s responsibility. Whensensors.
etc. on the surface of the sensor;performing these operations, always make
the sensor may detect a sure that there are no other people
non-existent obstacle ("echo(especially children) or animals on the route
interference") due to mechanicalyou want to take. The parking sensors are
an aid for the driver, but the driver must
interference, for example when washingnever allow their attention to lapse during
the vehicle, in rain (strong wind), hail;potentially dangerous manoeuvres, even
the signals sent by the sensor canthose executed at low speeds.
also be altered by the presence of
ultrasonic systems (e.g. pneumatic
brake systems of trucks or pneumatic
drills) near the vehicle;
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