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from owners manual to the vehicle Fiat Tipo, year of production 2015:
WARNING 35) The section of the bumper before the
sensor must not be covered with
adhesives, auxiliary headlights or any other
114) Pay the utmost attention while driving object.
at all times and be always ready to press 36) Operation can be adversely affected by
the brakes if needed. any structural change made to the vehicle,
115) The system is an aid for the driver, such as a modification to the front
whomustalwayspayfull attention while geometry, tyre change, or a heavier load
driving. The responsibility always rests withthan the standard load of the vehicle.
the driver, who must take into account the 37) Incorrect repairs made on the front part
traffic conditions in order to drive in of the vehicle (e.g. bumper, chassis) may
94 P2000046-000-000complete safety. The driver must always alter the position of the radar sensor, and
maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in adversely affect its operation. Go to a Fiat
ELECTRONICCRUISE front. Dealership for any operation of this type.
CONTROLMODE 116) The device is not activated in 38) Do not tamper nor operate on the radar
presence of pedestrians, oncoming sensor. In the event of a sensor failure,
Electronic Cruise Control mode is vehicles in the opposite direction of travel contact a Fiat Dealership.
available for travelling at constant speed or moving in the crosswise direction and 39) Do not wash with high-pressure jets in
in addition to the Adaptive Cruise stationary objects (e.g. a vehicle standing the bumper lower area: in particular do not
in a queue or a broken down vehicle). operate on the system's electrical
Control (ACC) mode. 117) The device cannot take account of connector.
If the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) road, traffic and weather conditions, and 40) Be careful in the case of repairs and
function is implemented on the vehicle, conditions of poor visibility (e.g. fog). newpaintings in the area around the
118) The device cannot take account of sensor (panel covering the sensor on the
the electronic Cruise Control works in road, traffic and weather conditions, and left side of the bumper). In the event of a
the same manner as the ACC (by conditions of poor visibility (e.g. fog). frontal impact the sensor may automatically
pressing the button of the Cruise 119) The device cannot apply the deactivate and display a warning to indicate
Control) with the difference that: maximumbraking force: the car will not be that the sensor needs to be repaired. Even
it does not hold the distance from the stopped completely. without a malfunction warning, deactivate
the system operation if you think that the
vehicle ahead; position of the radar sensor has changed
the device keeps working if the (e.g. due to low-speed frontal impact as
radar sensor is obstructed. IMPORTANT during parking manoeuvres). In these
cases, go to a Fiat Dealership to have the
Before returning to the previously set radar sensor realigned or replaced.
speed, bring the speed close to that 34) The system may have limited or absent
value, press the RES (Resume) button operation due to weather conditions such
and then release it. as: heavy rain, hail, thick fog, heavy snow.
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