owners manual Citroen C8
owners manual Citroen C8 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 - Citroen C8 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C8, year of production 2002 - 2014:
0Diesel engines PUMP
1 In a serious collision, a mechanism
1 T he Diesel engines are perfectly automatically prevents fuel from
compatible with biofuels which conform reaching the engine. I f you should run out of fuel, it is
to current and future European necessary to re-prime the circuit:
standards (Diesel fuel which complies - fi ll the fuel tank with at least fi ve
with standard EN 590 mixed with a litres of diesel,
biofuel which complies with standard The fl ashing of this warning - squeeze and release the manual
EN 14214) available at the pumps light is accompanied by a re-priming pump, under the bonnet
(containing up to 7 % Fatty Acid Methyl message on the display. under the protective cover, until fuel
Ester). appears in the transparent pipe,
The B30 biofuel can be used in certain Check that there is no odour or - operate the starter until the engine
Diesel engines; however, this use leakage of fuel outside the vehicle and starts.
is subject to strict application of the re-establish the fuel supply:
special servicing conditions. Consult a
CITROËN dealer. - switch off the ignition
The use of any other type of (bio)fuel (STOP position).
(vegetable or animal oils, pure or - remove the key.
diluted, domestic fuel.) is strictly - put the key back in the ignition.
prohibited (risk of damage to the - switch on the ignition and start.
engine and fuel system).
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year of production from: 2002
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Citroen C8 Citroen C8 owners manual
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Citroen C8 Citroen C8 owners manual
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