owners manual Citroen C8
owners manual Citroen C8 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 - Citroen C8 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C8, year of production 2002 - 2014:
F uel
F illing with fuel W hen the fuel fi ller fl ap is open, a
system limits the opening of the 9
The tank must be fi lled with fuel with rear left sliding side door. 0
the engine off . 1
- Open the fuel fi ller fl ap. The key cannot be removed from the
- Insert the key then turn it to the left. cap's lock until the cap is refi tted on the
- Remove the cap and attach it to tank.
the clip located on the inside of the
fl ap.
It is usual to hear an air intake noise I f the warning light fl ashes, this
when opening the cap as there is a indicates a fuel gauge malfunction.
vacuum linked with the sealing of the Consult a CITROËN dealer.
fuel circuit.
A label on the inside of the fl ap
indicates which type of fuel to use.
More than 5 litres of fuel must be
added in order to be registered by the
fuel gauge.
If you fi ll your tank, do not continue
after the third cut-off of the pump
FILLING THE FUEL TANK nozzle. This could result in vehicle
When the tank's minimum T he capacity of the tank is
level is reached, this warning approximately 18 gallons ( 80 litres).
light comes on, accompanied
by the message "Fuel level - After fi lling the tank, lock the cap
low" on the display. When and close the fl ap.
this warning light fi rst comes on, you S
have approximately 8 litres left, K
depending on driving conditions and
the engine. EC
Fill up with fuel as soon as possible to H
avoid running out. C
Never continue to drive until you run
out of fuel as this could damage the
emission control and injection systems. 6
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year of production from: 2002
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Citroen C8 Citroen C8 owners manual
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