owners manual Nissan 350Z
owners manual Nissan 350Z - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Nissan 350Z Fairlady Z owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan 350Z, year of production 2002 - 2009:
when the device begins to activate.Press and release the HomeLink button upNOTE:
5. If the indicator light on the HomeLinkblinksto three times to complete the training.Whenprogrammingagaragedooropener,
rapidly for two seconds and then turns solid,8. Your HomeLink button should now be pro-etc., it is advised to unplug the device
HomeLink has picked up a “rolling code”grammed. during the “cycling” process to prevent
garage door opener signal. You will need toTo program the remaining HomeLinkbuttonspossible damage to the garage door
proceed with the next steps to train thefor additional door or gate openers, follow stepsopener components.
HomeLinkto complete the programming2-8 only. OPERATING THE HomeLink
which may require a ladder and another UNIVERSAL TRANSCEIVER
person for convenience. NOTE:
6. Press and release the training button locatedDo not repeat step 1 unless you want toThe HomeLinkUniversal Transceiver (once
on the garage door opener’s motor to acti-“clear”allpreviouslyprogrammedprogrammed) may now be used to activate the
vate the “training mode”. This button is usu-HomeLink buttons.garage door, etc. To operate, simply press the
ally located near the antenna wire that hangsIf you have any questions or are having difficultyappropriate programmed HomeLinkUniversal
down from the motor. If the wire originatesprogramming your HomeLink buttons, refer toTransceiver button. The red indicator light will
from under a light lens, you will need tothe HomeLink website at: www.homelink.com illuminate while the signal is being transmitted.
removethelenstoaccessthetrainingbutton.or call 1-800-355-3515.PROGRAMMINGTROUBLE
Once you have pressed and released theCANADIAN CUSTOMERS Ifthe HomeLinkdoes not quickly learn the
training button on the garage door open-Prior to 1992, D.O.C. regulations required hand-hand-held transmitter information:
er’s motorandthe“traininglight”islit,youheld transmitters to stop transmitting after 2 replace the hand-held transmitter batteries
have 30 seconds in which to perform stepseconds. To program your hand-held transmitterwith new batteries.
7. Use the help of a second person forto HomeLink , continue to press and hold the
convenience to assist when performingHomeLinkbutton (note steps 2 through 4 position the hand-held transmitter with its
this step. under “Programming HomeLink ”) while youbattery area facing away from the HomeLink
7. Quickly within 30 seconds of pressing andpress and re-press (“cycle”) your hand-heldsurface.
releasing the garage door opener programtransmitter every 2 seconds until the indicator press and hold both the HomeLinkand
button,firmlypressandreleasethelight flashes rapidly (indicating successful pro-hand-held transmitter buttons without inter-
HomeLink button you’ve just programmed.gramming). ruption.
Instruments and controls 2-45
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year of production from: 2002
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