owners manual Renault Kangoo
owners manual Renault Kangoo - year of production: 2008 - Renault Kangoo II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Renault Kangoo, year of production 2008:
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The traction control ASR offers addi- Hazard warning lights switching on
tional safety, it is recommended that Depending on the vehicle, these may
you do not drive with the function disa- light up in the event of sudden decel-
bled. Correct this as soon as possible eration.
by pressing switch 1 again.
Note: The function is reactivated auto- Operating faults
matically when the ignition is switched When the system detects an operating
on or when a speed of approximately fault the message “braking fault” ap-
24 mph (40 km/h) is exceeded. pears on the instrument panel along
with the © warning light.
1 Emergency brake assist Consult an approved dealer.
This is an additional system to ABS braking anticipation
which helps reduce vehicle stopping Depending on the vehicle, when you
distances. rapidly release the accelerator, the
Disabling the function ASR Operating principle system anticipates the braking ma-
In some situations (driving on very wet The system detects an emergency noeuvre in order to reduce stopping
ground: snow, mud, etc. or driving with braking situation. In this case, the brak- distances.
snow chains fitted), the system may ing assistance immediately develops Special cases
reduce the engine output to limit wheel- maximum power and may trigger ABS When using the cruise control:
spin. If this is not required, it is possible regulation. – if you use the accelerator, when you
to deactivate the function by pressing ABS braking is maintained as long as release it, the system may be trig-
switch 1. the brake pedal is not released. gered;
The message “Traction control deac- – if you do not use the accelerator, the
tivated” is displayed on the instrument system will not be triggered.
panel to inform you.
ENG_NU_813-11_FK61_Renault_2 Dispositifs de correction de conduite (X61 - F61 - K61 - Renault)

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year of production from: 2008

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