owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
Features of your vehicle
Smart key Immobilizer system To deactivate the immobilizer
To remove the mechanical key (2), system
press and hold the release button (1)Your vehicle is equipped with an
and remove the mechanical key.electronic engine immobilizer systemChange the ENGINE START/STOP
button to the ON position.
to reduce the risk of unauthorized
vehicle use.
To reinstall the mechanical key, put
the key into the hole and push it until Whenever the ENGINE START/STOPTo activate the immobilizer sys-
a click sound is heard.button is changed to the ON position,tem
the immobilizer system checks and
verifies if the key is valid or not.Change the ENGINE START/STOP
button to the OFF position.The
If the key is valid, the engine will
start. immobilizer system activates auto-
matically. Without a valid smart key
for your vehicle, the engine will not
If the key is invalid, the engine will
not start. start.
✽✽ NOTICE In order to prevent theft of your vehi-
cle, do not leave spare keys any-
In order to prevent theft of your
vehicle, do not leave spare keys any- where in your vehicle.
where in your vehicle. Your
Immobilizer password is a customerYour immobilizer password is a cus-
unique password and should be kepttomer unique password and should
confidential. Do not leave this num-
ber anywhere in your vehicle.be kept confidential.Do not leave this
number anywhere in your vehicle.
Keep each key separate in orderto
avoid a starting malfunction.
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
pages 96 - 102
KIA Stinger owners manual
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