owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
TRANSCEIVER (if so equipped)
TheHomeLink UniversalTransceiverprovidesa
convenient way to consolidate the functions ofWARNING HomeLink Universal Transceiver.
uptothree individual hand-held transmitters into
one built-in device. DonotusetheHomeLink UniversalPROGRAMMINGHomeLink
TheHomeLink UniversalTransceiverpowerwillTransceiver with any garage door
automatically turn off 30 minutes after the igni-opener that lacks safety stop andTo program your HomeLink Transceiver to oper-
tion switch has been turned to the off position.reverse features as required by fed-ate a garage door, gate, or entry door opener,
HomeLink Universal Transceiver:eral safety standards. (These stan-home or office lighting, you need to be at the
dards became effective for openersamelocation as the device. Note: Garage door
Will operate most Radio Frequency (RF) openers (manufactured after 1996) have “rolling
devices such as garage doors, gates, homemodels manufactured after April 1,code protection”. To program a garage door
and office lighting, entry door locks and se-1982). A garage door opener whichopener equipped with “rolling code protection”;
curity systems. cannotdetectanobjectinthepathofyou will need to use a ladder to get up to the
Is powered by your vehicle’s battery. Noaclosing garage door and then auto-garage door opener motor to be able to access
separate batteries are required. If the vehi-matically stop and reverse, does notthe “smart or learn” program button.
cle’s battery is discharged or is discon-meet current federal safety stan-
nected, HomeLinkwill retain all program-dards. Using a garage door opener
ming. without these features increases the
OncetheHomeLink UniversalTransceiverrisk of serious injury or death.
is programmed, retain the original trans- During programming, your garage
mitter for future programming proceduresdoor or gate may open or close.
(i.e., new vehicle purchases). Upon sale ofMake sure that people and objects
the vehicle, the programmed HomeLinkare clear of the garage door or gate
Universal Transceiver buttons should bethat you are programming.
erased for security purposes. For addi-
tional information, refer to “Programming Your vehicle’s engine should be
HomeLink ” later in this section.turned off while programming the
2-44 Instruments and controls

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year of production from: 1996

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