owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
Changing the windscreen wiper ● Clean the windscreen wiper blades and allTowing or tow-starting
windows regularly.
● The wiper blades should be changed once
Gener l information
or twice a year.
Changing the windscreen and rear
Read the additional information carefully
window wiper blades
››› page 66.
Read the additional information carefully Tow-starting means starting the engine of
● Dam ty windscreen wipers could
aged or dir
››› page 69. the vehicle while another pulls it.
scratch the glass.
● Never use fuel, nail varnish remover, paint
Perfect wiper blade condition is essential for Towing means one vehicle pulling another
thinner or similar products to clean the win-
clear vision. Damaged wiper blades should that is not roadworthy.
dows. This could damage the windscreen
be replaced immediately.
If the vehicle comes with the Keyless Access
wiper blades.
The windscreen wiper blades are supplied as system, towing is only allowed with the igni-
● Never move any windscreen wiper by hand.
standard with a layer of graphite. This layer is tion on!
This could cause damage.
responsible for ensuring that the wipe is si-
● The vehicle battery drains if the vehicle is
To prevent damage to the bonnet and the
lent. If the graphite layer is damaged, the
windscreen wiper arms, the latter should onlytowed with the engine switched off and the
noise of the water as it is wiped across the
be lifted off the windscreen when in serviceignition connected. Depending on the battery
windscreen will be louder.
position. charge status, the drop in voltage may be so
Check the condition of the wiper blades regu- large, even after just a few minutes, that no
larly. If the wipers scrape across the glass, electrical device in the vehicle may work e.g.
they should be changed if they are damaged, the hazard warning lights. In vehicles with
● The windscreen wiper arms can be moved
or cleaned if they are dirty ››› . the Keyless Access system, the steering
to the service position only when the bonnet
wheel could lock up.
thi does not produce the desired results,is properly closed.
If s
the setting angle of the windscreen wiper●
You can also use the service position, for
arms might be incorrect. They should beexample, if you want to fix a cover over the
If the vehicle has no electrical power, the
checked by a specialised workshop and cor-windscreen in the winter to keep it clear of
brake lights, turn signals and all other lights
rected if necessary. ice.
will no longer function. Do not have the vehi-
cle towed away. Failure to follow this instruc-
tion could result in an accident.
Do not drive unless you have good visibility
through all windows!
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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