owners manual Peugeot iOn
owners manual Peugeot iOn - year of production: 2010 - Peugeot iOn owners manual EN
pdf (5.64 MB) 176 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot iOn, year of production 2010:
Practical information
Never charge the battery without Batteries contain harmful substances
first disconnecting the terminals and such as sulphuric acid and lead. They
removing it from the vehicle.must be disposed of in line with legal
Do not disconnect the terminals when requirements and never put out with
the "Ready" lamp is on, nor when the household waste.
vehicle is being charged.Take used batteries to an authorised
collection point.
Before disconnecting
You must wait 2 minutes after switching
F Disconnect the negative (-) terminal.off the ignition before disconnecting the
F Lift the protective cover on the (+) terminal 2.battery.
F Slacken nut 3. After reconnecting
F Disconnect the positive (+) terminal.
F Remove the battery. After reconnecting the battery, switch
F Charge the battery following the on the ignition and wait 1 minute
instructions given by the manufacturer of before starting, to allow initialisation
the battery charger. of the electronic systems. However,
F Reconnect the battery starting with if minor problems persist after doing
the (+) cable. this, contact a PEUGEOT dealer or a
qualified workshop.
Ensure that the battery posts and cable Remember to enter the radio code
terminals are clean. If they are covered yourself, referring to the relevant
with sulphates (whitish or greenish section.
deposit), disconnect and clean them.

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year of production from: 2010

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