owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2017:
Warning symbols in the driver Symbol Specification SymbolSpecification
The warning symbols alert the driver that anWarning Fault in brake system
important function is activated or that a seriousThe red warning symbol illuminatesIf this symbol illuminates, the brake
fault or condition exists. when a fault has been indicatedfluid level may be too low. Visit the
which could affect the safety nearest authorised workshop to
WARNING and/or driveability of the car. Anhave the brake fluid level checked
If the brake fluid is below the MIN level in theexplanatory text is shown on theand rectified.
brake fluid reservoir, do not drive furtherdriver display at the same time. TheParking brake applied
before topping up the brake fluid. warning symbol can also illuminate
The loss of brake fluid must be investigatedin conjunction with other symbols.This symbol illuminates with a con-
by a workshop. Volvo recommends contactingSeatbelt reminder stant glow when the parking brake
an authorised Volvo workshop. is applied.
This symbol flashes if someone inA flashing symbol means that a
WARNING a front seat has not put on theirfault has arisen. Read the message
seatbelt or if someone in a rearin the driver display.
If the BRAKE and ABS symbols are lit at theseat has taken off their seatbelt.
same time, there is a risk that the rear end willAirbags Low oil pressure
skid during heavy braking. If this symbol illuminates during
If the symbol remains illuminated ordriving then the engines oil pres-
illuminates while driving, a fault hassure is too low. Stop the engine
been detected in one of the carsimmediately and check the engine
safety systems. Read the messageoil level, top up if necessary. If the
in the driver display. Volvo recom-symbol illuminates and the oil level
mends that an authorised Volvois normal, contact a workshop.
workshop is contacted. Volvo recommends that an author-
ised Volvo workshop is contacted.

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year of production from: 2017

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