owners manual Renault Kangoo
owners manual Renault Kangoo - year of production: 2008 - Renault Kangoo II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Renault Kangoo, year of production 2008:
ADVICE: antipollution, fuel economy and driving (1/3)
Your vehicle complies with criteria for Aiding fuel economy Have your vehicle adjusted and
recycling and recovering vehicles at the Depending on the vehicle, in order to checked by an approved Dealer, in ac-
end of their service life which will come optimise consumption, an indicator light cordance with the instructions given in
into force in 2015. on the instrument panel will inform you your maintenance schedule: they will
Some parts of your vehicle have there- of the best moment to upshift or down- have all the equipment necessary for
fore been designed to facilitate future shift gears: ensuring that your vehicle is maintained
recycling. Š shift up a gear; to its original standard.
These parts are easy to remove so Engine adjustments
that they can be recovered and reproc- ‰ shift down a gear.
essed by recycling companies. – ignition: this does not require ad-
By virtue of its design, moderate fuel justment.
consumption and initial settings, your Maintenance spark plugs: for optimum fuel econ-
vehicle also conforms to current anti- It is important to remember that failure to omy, efficiency and performance
pollution regulations. The manufac- respect antipollution regulations could the specifications laid down by our
turer is actively striving to reduce pol- lead to legal action being taken against Design Department must be strictly
lutant exhaust gas emissions and to the vehicle owner. In addition, replacing applied. If the spark plugs have to
save energy. But the fuel consumption engine, fuel supply system and exhaust be changed, use the make, type
of your vehicle and the level of pollutant components with parts other than those and gap specified for your vehicle’s
exhaust gas emissions are also your originally recommended by the manu- engine. Contact an approved dealer
responsibility. Ensure that it is main- facturer may alter your vehicle so that for this.
tained and used correctly. it no longer complies with antipollution – idle speed: this does not require ad-
regulations. justment.
– air filter, diesel filter: a clogged el-
ement hinders performance. It must
be replaced.
ENG_NU_813-11_FK61_Renault_2 Conseils : antipollution, économies de carburant, conduite (X83 - X61 - Renault)
Advice on antipollution, fuel economy and driving
advice .(up to the end of the DU)
advice on fuel economy (up to the end of the DU)
fuel economy (up to the end of the DU)

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year of production from: 2008

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Renault Kangoo II 2 owners manual
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Renault Kangoo II 2 owners manual
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