owners manual Chevrolet Astro
owners manual Chevrolet Astro - year of production: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Chevrolet Astro II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Astro, year of production 1995 - 2005:
Retained Accessory Power (RAP) Notice: Holding your key in START for longer than
15seconds at a time will cause your battery to
Your vehicle is equipped with a Retained Accessorybe drained much sooner. And the excessive heat
Power (RAP) feature which will allow certain features oncan damage your starter motor. Wait about
your vehicle to continue to work up to 20 minutes15seconds between each try to help avoid draining
after the ignition key is turned to OFF.your battery or damaging your starter.
Your radio, power windows and overhead console will2. If it does not start within 10 seconds, push the
work when the ignition key is in RUN or ACCESSORY.accelerator pedal all the way to the floor, while
Once the key is turned from RUN to OFF, theseyou hold the ignition key in START. When
features will continue to work for up to 20 minutes orthe engine starts, let go of the key and let up on the
until a door is opened. accelerator pedal. Wait about 15 seconds between
each try.
Starting Your Engine When starting your engine in very cold weather
(below 0°F or −18°C), do this:
Move your shift lever to PARK (P) or NEUTRAL (N).1. With your foot off the accelerator pedal, turn the
Your engine will not start in any other position — that isignition key to START and hold it there up to
a safety feature. To restart when you are already15seconds. When the engine starts, let go of
moving, use NEUTRAL (N) only. the key.
Notice: Do not try to shift to PARK (P) if your2. If your engine still will not start, or starts but then
vehicle is moving. If you do, you could damage thestops, it could be flooded with too much gasoline.
transmission. Shift to PARK (P) only when yourTry pushing your accelerator pedal all the way to the
vehicle is stopped. floor and holding it there as you hold the key in
1. With your foot off the accelerator pedal, turn theSTART for about three seconds. When the engine
ignition key to START. When the engine starts,starts, let go of the key and accelerator. If the
let go of the key. The idle speed will go down asvehicle starts briefly but then stops again, do the
your engine gets warm. same thing, but this time keep the pedal down
for five or six seconds. This clears the extra
gasoline from the engine.

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year of production from: 1995

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Chevrolet Astro II 2 owners manual
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