owners manual Mitsubishi Lancer
owners manual Mitsubishi Lancer - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - Mitsubishi Lancer VIII 8 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi Lancer, year of production 2007 - 2016:
Free-hand Advanced Security Transmitter (F.A.S.T.-key) (if so equipped)
10.Remove the F.A.S.T.-key from the emer-
4.Insert the F.A.S.T.-key into the emergency7.On vehicles with manual transaxle, place
gency key.
key. the gearshift lever in the “N” (Neutral)
On vehicles with CVT or Twin Clutch
SST, make sure the selector lever (CVT)
Minor noises may be heard on engine start-
or the gearshift lever (Twin Clutch SST)
is in the “P” (PARK) position.up. These will disappear as the engine warms
up. 5
On vehicles with continuously variable
transmission (CVT) or Twin Clutch SST, the
Make sure to remove the F.A.S.T.-key
starter will not operate unless the selector
from the emergency key after the engine is
lever (CVT) or the gearshift lever (Twin
Clutch SST) is in the “P” (PARK) position or
5.Press and hold the brake pedal down with If not removed, the F.A.S.T.-key could fall
the selector lever (CVT) or the gearshift
your right foot. to the floor, which may interfere with
lever (Twin Clutch SST) is in the “N” (NEU-
6.Press and hold the clutch pedal all the way pedal operation.
TRAL) position with the brake pedal
down (manual transaxle). depressed. Furthermore, the F.A.S.T.-key could pre-
vent the driver’s knee airbag from inflat-
For safety reasons, start the engine in the “P”
ing normally or could be propelled to
NOTE (PARK) position so that the wheels are
locked. cause serious injury if the airbag inflates.
For models equipped with a manual trans-
axle, the starter will not operate unless the
clutch pedal is fully depressed (Clutch inter-
8.Turn the emergency key with the
lock). This is a safety feature. NOTE
F.A.S.T.-key to the “ON” position and
When using the emergency key to start the
make certain that all warning lights and
engine, first remove the key from the key
warning displays are functioning properlyholder. If the emergency key is attached to a
before starting the engine. key holder (key ring), it may become impos-
sible to insert the keyless operation key into
9.Turn the emergency key with the
the emergency key, and it may prevent the
F.A.S.T.-key to the “START” position
engine from being started.
without pressing the accelerator pedal.
Release the emergency key with the
F.A.S.T.-key when the engine starts.
Features and controls5-27
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year of production from: 2007
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Mitsubishi Lancer VIII 8 owners manual
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