owners manual Chevrolet Suburban
owners manual Chevrolet Suburban - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Chevrolet GMC Suburban IX 9 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Suburban, year of production 2000 - 2006:
• a right front passenger takes his/her weight off ofThe passenger sensing system is designed to enable
the seat for a period of time(may inflate) the right front passenger’s frontal air
• the right front passenger seat is occupied by abag anytime the system senses that a person of adult
smaller person, such as a child who has outgrownsize is sitting properly in the right front passenger’s seat.
child restraints When the passenger sensing system has allowed the
air bag to be enabled, the on indicator will light and stay
• or if there is a critical problem with the air baglit to remind you that the air bag is active.
system or the passenger sensing system.For some children who have outgrown child restraints
When the passenger sensing system has turned off theand for very small adults, the passenger sensing system
passenger’s frontal air bag, the off indicator will lightmay or may not turn off the right front passenger’s
and stay lit to remind you that the air bag is off.frontal air bag, depending upon the person’s seating
If a child restraint has been installed and the on indicatorposture and body build. Everyone in your vehicle
is lit, turn the vehicle off. Remove the child restraintwho has outgrown child restraints should wear a safety
from the vehicle and reinstall the child restraint followingbelt properly — whether or not there is an air bag
the child restraint manufacturer’s directions and referfor that person.
to Securing a Child Restraint in the Right FrontIf a person of adult-size is sitting in the right front
Seat Position on page 1-70. passenger’s seat, but the off indicator is lit, it could be
If after reinstalling the child restraint and restarting thebecausethatpersonisnotsittingproperly in the seat. If
vehicle, the on indicator is still lit, check to makethis happens, turn the vehicle off and ask the person to
sure that the vehicle’s seatback is not pressing the childplace the seatback in the fully upright position, then sit
restraint into the seat cushion. If this happens, slightlyupright in the seat, centered on the seat cushion, with the
recline the vehicle’s seatback and adjust the seatperson’s legs comfortably extended. Restart the vehicle
cushion if possible. Also make sure the child restraint isandhavethepersonremaininthispositionforabouttwo
not trapped under the vehicle head restraint. If thisminutes. This will allow the system to detect that person
happens, adjust the head restraint.andthenenablethepassenger’sairbag.
If the on indicator is still lit, secure the child in the child
restraint in a rear seat position in the vehicle and
check with your dealer.
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year of production from: 2000
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