owners manual Suzuki SX4 S-Cross
owners manual Suzuki SX4 S-Cross - year of production: 2013 - Suzuki SX4 S Cross owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Suzuki SX4 S-Cross, year of production 2013:
NOTE: Fuel reset (Average fuel consumption
• If you push and hold the indicator selec-reset setting) appears as reversed color. To change
tor knob (2) to enter the setting mode You can change when the value of aver-the minute indication quickly, turn and
hold the indicator selector knob (2). To
when the display (D) shows average fuel age fuel consumption is reset. set the minute indication, push the indi-
consumption or average speed, the cator selector knob (2).
value will be reset simultaneously. If you Temperature You can also switch the time indication
do not want to reset the value, push the (Temperature
units setting) between 12-hour and 24-hour format.
to switch
indicator selector knob quickly You can change the units that temperature
of the display.
the indication is displayed in. Door Lock (Door lock setting)
• If you turn the ignition switch, press the NOTE: You can choose either once or twice oper-
or start to move the vehi-
engine switch When you change the units that tempera-ation(s) to unlock all doors (including the
cle when the display is in the setting in, the automatic heating
mode, the setting mode will be canceled ture is displayed tailgate) or release the dead lock system (if
automatically. and air conditioning system (if equipped) equipped) by turning the key, or operating
temperature display units will be changed the keyless entry system transmitter, key-
Distance unit automatically. less push start system remote controller or
(Odo/trip meter distance units setting) Set Sensors request switch.
You can change the units odo/trip meter (Parking sensors (if equipped) setting) You can also turn off or on the buzzer
is displayed in. The parking sensor can be switched sound when the door(s) is(are) locked or
NOTE: between the normal mode and trailer unlocked.
When you change the units odo/trip meter mode. Lights (Light setting)
distance is displayed in, the trip meter will Foot light (Footwell lights setting)
be reset automatically. Clock setting The footwell lights can be programmed for
Fuel economy • To change the hour indication, turn the interlocked operation with either lighting
(Fuel consumption units setting) indicator selector knob (2) left or right control or door operation and for no light-
You can change the units that fuel con-repeatedly when the hour indication ing.
sumption is displayed in. appears as reversed color. To change
the hour indication quickly, turn and hold Lane change (Turn signal lights setting)
Language the indicator selector knob (2). To set the The turn signal and its indicator can be set
You can change the language of the infor-hour indication, push the indicator selec-whether they flash three times even if you
mation display. tor knob (2) and the minute indication return the turn signal control lever immedi-
as reversed color. ately after moving it.
• To change the minute indication, turn the
indicator selector knob (2) left or right
repeatedly when the minute indication

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year of production from: 2013

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instrukcja obsługi Suzuki SX4 S Cross Suzuki SX4 S Cross owners manual
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