owners manual Lancia Lybra
owners manual Lancia Lybra - year of production: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Lancia Lybra owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Lancia Lybra, year of production 1999 - 2005:
Possible EXPERT setting list – PHONE SETTING (PHONE ON/Selecting and adjusting the
(fig. 76) OFF) - To mute the sound for incom-settings
ing or outgoing phone calls with con-Select the setting to be checked or
OFF) - To switch synchronisation ofnected free-hands kit. changed with the buttons 17 and 18
clock to RDS station signals on and
off. NE 00/03) - To set the cellular phoneFor example, to adjust the maxi-
input sensitivity (to be calibrated whenmum switch-on volume, select the
– TA VOLUME ADJUST (TAVOL)the free-hand phone kit is fitted).ONVOL function with the buttons 17
- To set the minimum volume for
traffic announcements. or 18. The ONVOL function and the
ME (SCVOL) - To set the volume ac-current setting (e.g. ONVOL 13) will
cording to the car speed (SCV).appear on the display. The station
OFF) - To automatically search for which the radio is tuned to will be
traffic announcement programmes.(CODE) - To activate the safety code. played at the set volume.
– RDS REGION (REG ON/OFF) - Adjust the volume as required with
To switch the automatic regional pro-The information concerning the set-the buttons 4 and 5:
gramme tuning function on and off.tings is given in the right-hand part
of the display : – press button 5: to turn the volume
– function description
ME (ONVOL) - To set the maximum– buttons 4-5 (fig. 76 ) for adjusting– press button 4: to turn the volume
switch-on volume. the setting down.
Press the button repeatedly to adjust
– BDLY ON/OFF - To set the
– buttons to select the new functionthe setting gradually or hold it pres-
booster switch-on delay (where fit-
ted). (17 for the following function - 18forsed to adjust the setting fast.
the previous function) (fig. 76).
– IGNITION LOGIC (IGN ON/OFF) When you have made the required
The current function setting is
- To switch the sound system on au- shown in the left-hand side of the dis-setting, you can make other adjust-
tomatically with the engine.play. ments (use buttons 17 and 18 to se-
lect the function) or quit the EX-
The last selected setting is recalled
PERT function by press the EXP 14
with the EXPERT function.button.
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year of production from: 1999
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Lancia Lybra owners manual
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Lancia Lybra owners manual
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