owners manual Mercedes GL
owners manual Mercedes GL - year of production: 2012 - Mercedes Benz GL Class X166 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GL, year of production 2012:
Cargocompartment 89
Turn off the engine before opening the
SmartKey (Y page 82).
tailgate. Never drive with the tailgate open.
XInsert the mechanical key into the lock of
the driver's door as far as it will go.GWARNING
If objects, luggageorloadsarenotsecuredor
not secured sufficiently, they could slip, tip
occupants. There is a risk of injury,
particularly in the event of sudden braking or
a sudden change in direction.
Always store objects so that they cannot beclosing
flung around. Secure objects, luggage or
loads against slipping or tipping before the
XTurnthemechanicalkeyclockwise as far
rear when opened. Therefore, make sure
as it will go to position 1.
behind the tailgate.
(Y page 453).
are locked.
XInsert the mechanical key into theYoushouldpreferably place luggage or loads
SmartKey. in the cargo compartment. Observe the
loading guidelines (Y page 340).
the fuel filler flap is not locked. The anti-
compartment. You could otherwise lock
theft alarm system is not armed.
yourself out.
Cargocompartment R
close the tailgate manually from outside
openandclosethetailgate automatically
Important safety notes
from outside
openandclosethetailgate automatically
If persons, particularly children are subjectedfrom inside
to prolonged exposure to extreme heat orR
limit the opening angle of the tailgate
cold, there is a risk of injury, possibly even
unlock the tailgate from inside with the
fatal. Never leave children unattended in the
emergency release
Tailgate reversing feature
Combustion engines emit poisonous exhaust
gasessuchascarbonmonoxide.IfthetailgateOnvehicles with tailgate remote closing
is open when the engine is running,feature, the tailgate is equipped with
particularly if the vehicle is moving, exhaustautomatic obstacle recognition with a
fumes could enter the passenger reversing feature. If a solid object blocks or
compartment. There is a risk of poisoning.restricts the tailgate when automatically
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year of production from: 2012
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Mercedes Benz GL Class X166 owners manual
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