owners manual Fiat Freemont
owners manual Fiat Freemont - year of production: 2011 - Fiat Freemont owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Fiat Freemont, year of production 2011:
NOTE: In cold weather, use of Recirculation modeNOTE: KNOWING
may lead to excessive window fogging. The recircula-• It is not necessary to move the temperature settings.YOUR
tion feature may be unavailable (soft button greyedThe system automatically adjusts the temperature,VEHICLE
out). Recirculation mode is not allowed in Defrostmode, and blower speed to provide comfort as
modetoimprovewindowclearing operation. Recircu-quickly as possible.
lation will be disabled automatically if this mode is SAFETY
selected. Attempting to use Recirculation while in this• The temperature can be displayed in U.S. or Metric
modewillcausetheLEDinthecontrolbuttontoblinkunits by selecting the US/M customer-programmable
and then turn off. feature. Refer to the “Uconnect® System Settings”STARTING
in this section of the manual. AND
AutomaticTemperatureControl(ATC)To provide you with maximum comfort in the Auto-DRIVING
AutomaticOperation matic mode, during cold start-ups the blower fan willWARNING
1. Press the AUTO button on the faceplate or on theremain on low until the engine warms up. The blowerLIGHTS
will increase in speed and transition into Auto mode.AND
touchscreen (4) on the Automatic Temperature MESSAGES
Control (ATC) Panel. ManualOperationOverride IN AN
2. Next, adjust the temperature you would like theThe system allows for manual selection of blowerEMERGENCY
system to maintain by adjusting the driver and pas-speed, air distribution mode, A/C status and recircula-
senger temperature control buttons (8, 9, 14, 15).tion control.
Once the desired temperature is displayed, theTheblower fan speed can be set to any fixed speed bySERVICING
system will achieve and automatically maintain thatadjusting the blower control. The fan will now operateANDCARE
comfort level. at a fixed speed until additional speeds are selected.
3. Whenthesystemissetupforyourcomfortlevel,itThis allows the front occupants to control the volumeTECHNICAL
is not necessary to change the settings. You willof air circulated in the vehicle and cancel the AutoSPECIFICATIONS
the system to function automatically. CONTENTS
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year of production from: 2011
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Fiat Freemont owners manual
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