owners manual Tesla S
owners manual Tesla S - year of production: 2012 - Tesla S owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Tesla S, year of production 2012:
Maps and Navigation
Model S can also monitor traffic to your work
During Navigation location (on weekday mornings) and to your
During navigation, the touchscreen displayshome location (on weekday evenings) and
the navigation route on the map. Dependingadvise you if there is a better route in
on the maps zoom level, you might not besituations where traffic conditions will cause a
able to see the entire route. But as you drive,delay. You can set the time savings required
the map shows your location on the map.before the advice is given by touching
Whenever a navigation route is active, youControls > Settings > Apps > Maps &
can display an overview of the route byNavigation > Min Improvement for Commute
touching the route overview icon:Advice.
The route overview icon isNote: Commute advice is available only if you
available on the right side of thehave saved a Home and Work Location (see
search bar whenever a navigationFavorite Destinations on page 92).
route is active. You can toggle
between North Up, Heading UpPredicting Energy Usage
and Route Overview (see UsingWhen navigating to a destination, Model S
Maps on page 90). As you travelhelps you anticipate your charging needs by
on your navigation route, the zoomcalculating the amount of energy that will
level adjusts to display an overviewremain when you reach your destination. The
of the route between your currentcalculation is an estimate based on driving
location and your destination.and environmental factors such as predicted
speed and elevation changes. The
The touchscreen also displays a turn-by-turntouchscreen displays this calculation in the
direction list that includes estimated drivinglower right corner of the turn-by-turn
time, arrival time, and an estimate of howdirection list.
much energy will remain when you arrive atThroughout your route, Model S monitors
your destination (see Predicting Energy Usageenergy usage and updates the calculation as
on page 91). needed. A popup warning displays above the
During navigation, the instrument panel alsocalculated amount advising you when:
displays the turn-by-turn directions and you•A yellow warning displays when you
will hear spoken instructions. should drive slowly to converse energy.
Model S detects real-time traffic conditionsModel S predicts that you will have very
and automatically adjusts the estimatedlittle energy remaining when you reach
driving and arrival times based on trafficyour destination. For tips on conserving
conditions. In situations where trafficenergy, see Getting Maximum Range on
conditions will delay your estimated time ofpage 70.
arrival and an alternate route is available,•A red warning displays when you must
Model S reroutes you to your destination. Youcharge Model S to reach your destination.
can turn this feature off by touchingModel S also lets you know if you have
Controls > Settings > Apps > Maps &enough energy for a round trip. Tap the
Navigation > Traffic-Based Routing > Off.battery icon at the bottom of the turn-by-turn
Note: Traffic-based navigation is a BETAnavigation list to determine if Model S has
feature in Release 6.0. enough energy to get to your destination and
When you display the traffic layer on the map,then return back to your starting point.
green traffic lines display under the route line,When navigating, the energy app displays
whereas yellow and red traffic lines display onreal-time energy usage for the current trip.
top of the route line to ensure that heavySee Getting Maximum Range on page 70.
traffic areas are easy to identify.
Using the Touchscreen 91
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