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owners manual Subaru Outback

owners manual Subaru Outback - year of production: 2014 - Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (34.76 MB) 580 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Outback, year of production 2014:
6 Please don’t drink and drive.after taking any medications that candriving with others. makeyoudrowsy or otherwise affect your Drunken driving is one of the most ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. If&Carphone/cell phone and frequent causes of accidents. Since alco-youhaveamedicalconditionthatrequiresdriving hol affects all people differently, you mayyou to take drugs, please consult with have consumed too much alcohol to driveyour doctor. CAUTION safely even if the level of alcohol in yourNever drive if you are under the influence blood is below the legal limit. The safestof any illicit mind-altering drugs. For yourDo not use a car phone/cell phone thing you can do is never drink and drive.own health and well-being, we urge youwhile driving; it may distract your However if you have no choice but tonot to take illegal drugs in the first placeattention from driving and can lead drive, stop drinking and sober up comple-and to seek treatment if you are addictedto an accident. If you use a car tely before getting behind the wheel.to those drugs. phone/cell phone, pull off the road and park in a safe place before &Drugsanddriving &Driving when tired or sleepyusing your phone. In some States/ Provinces, only hands-free phones WARNING WARNING may legally be used while driving. There are some drugs (over theWhen you are tired or sleepy, your counter and prescription) that canreaction will be delayed and your delay your reaction time and impairperception, judgment and attentive- your perception, judgment and at-ness will be impaired. If you drive tentiveness. If you drive after takingwhen tired or sleepy, your, your them, it may increase your, yourpassengers’ and other persons’ passengers’ and other persons’ riskchances of being involved in a of being involved in a serious orserious accident may increase. fatal accident. If you are taking any drugs, check withPlease do not continue to drive but your doctor or pharmacist or read theinstead find a safe place to rest if you literature that accompanies the medicationare tired or sleepy. On long trips, you to determine if the drug you are taking canshould make periodic rest stops to refresh impair your driving ability. Do not driveyourself before continuing on your journey. When possible, you should share the
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year of production from: 2014

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