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owners manual Renault Twingo

owners manual Renault Twingo - year of production: 2014 - Renault Twingo III 3 owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Renault Twingo, year of production 2014:
KEY, RADIO FREQUENCY REMOTE CONTROL: general information (2/2) Radio frequency remote control operating range This varies according to the surroun- dings: take care not to lock or unlock the doors by inadvertently pressing the buttons on the remote control.Replacement and additional keys Note: If a door or the luggage compart-or remote controls. ment lid is open or not closed properly, Driver’s responsibility You must only contact an approved when parking or stopping the doors and luggage compartment lid dealer: the vehicle lock/unlock quickly. – If you need to replace a key it will Never leave an animal, Interference be necessary to take the vehicle and all of its keys to an approved child or adult who is not self-suffi- Interference by factors in the imme- cient alone on your vehicle, even for Dealer in order to initialise the diate vicinity (external installations or a short time. system. the use of equipment operating on the They may pose a risk to themselves same frequency as the remote control) – Depending on the vehicle, you may affect the operation of the remote or to others by starting the engine, have the option of using up to control. four remote controls. activating equipment such as the electric windows or locking the Remote control unit failuredoors. Also, in hot and/or sunny weather, Make sure that the correct battery type is being used, and that the bat-please remember that the tempera- ture inside the passenger compart- tery is in good condition and inser- ment increases very quickly. ted correctly. These batteries have RISK OF DEATH OR SERIOUS a service life of approximately two years. INJURY. Refer to Section 5: “Radio fre- quency remote control: batteries” for the battery changing procedure. The key must not be used for any function other than those described in the handbook (removing the cap from a bottle, etc.). 1.3
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