owners manual BMW 3 E21
owners manual BMW 3 E21 - year of production: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983 - BMW 3 E21 316 318i 320 323i owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW 3 E21, year of production 1975 - 1983:
I U L,UnHUIS,lIlUIrlSUuments
Controlsand instruments
Note:figurein squarebrackets[ ] =page
on whichdetailsappear
• 1.Leftsidewindowdefrosteroutlet[27] 21. Controlswitchforelectricdoormirror[17J
2. Leftmovableair outletgrill[27] 22. Turnindicator,parkinglight,low-beamheadlightand
3. Warninglampforlowbrakefluidlevel and handbrake headlightflasherlever[12]
telltale(red) [19] 23. Mainlightpullswitch,2-position,withrotarycontrol
4. Rearfog lighttelltalelamp(yellow)[15] forinstrumentlightingintensity[12]
5. Fuel gaugewithlowfuellevelwarninglamp(yellow)[17] 24. Enginecompartmentlid release[14]
6. Brakepad wearindicatorlamp(red) [59] 25. Hornpush [16] .
7. Turnindicatorrepeater(green)[13] 26. Push buttonforheatedrearwindow[16]
8. Tripdistancerecorderresetknob[14] 27. Fog lightswitch,2-position[15]
9. Speedometerwithtotalandtripdistancerecorders 28. Clockcontrol[20.21]
10. Revolutioncounterwithoverspeed warningzone 29. Wiperand windshieldwasherlever[13]
(or clock) 30. Radiowithbalancecontrol(specialequipment)[22]
11. Clock[20,21] 31. Rotarytemperaturecontrol[27]
12. Oil pressurewarninglamp(red) [59] 32. Centerleftmovableairoutletgrill[27]
13. Batterychargewarninglamp(red) [59] 33. Ashtray[21]
14. Headlighthigh beamtelltalelamp(blue)[12] 34. Cigarlighterand powersocket[21]
15. Coolantthermometer[17] 35. 3-positionrotaryairflowcontrol[27J
16. Centerairoutletgrill[27] 36. Rotaryairdistributioncontrol[27]
17. Push buttonforhazardwarningflashers[15] 37. Centerrightmovableairoutletgrill[27]
18. Facia shelf 38. Slidingventilationcontrols[27]
19. Rightsidewindowdefrosteroutlet[27] 39. Glovebox [20]
20. Rightmovableairoutletgrill[27] 40. Left and rightfrontloudspeakers(specialequipment)[22]

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year of production from: 1975

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BMW 3 E21 316 318i 320 323i owners manual
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