owners manual Fiat Tipo
owners manual Fiat Tipo - year of production: 2015 - Fiat Tipo combi owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Fiat Tipo, year of production 2015:
Mainrecommendationstocarry Never carry children on your lap,77) On the sun visor there is a label with
children safely even newborns. No one can hold asuitable symbols reminding the user that it
Install the child restraint systems onchild in the case of an accident.is compulsory to deactivate the airbag if a
the rear seat, which is the mostIf the car has been involved in arearward facing child restraint system is
protected position in the event of anmedium-high severity road accident,fitted. Always comply with the instructions
impact. replace the child restraint system with aon the passenger side sun visor (see the
Keepchildren in rearward facing childnewone.Inaddition, and depending on"Supplementary Restraint System (SRS) -
Airbag" paragraph).
restraint systems for as long asthe type of child restraint system78) Should it be necessary to carry a child
possible, until 3–4 years old if possible.installed, replace the isofix anchorageson the passenger side front seat in a rear
If the passenger's front airbag isor the seat belt with which the childfacing child restraint system, the passenger
deactivated always check therestraint system was connected.side front airbag and side bag must be
dedicated warning light on the trimAny child restraint systems fitteddeactivated through the Connect system
main menu (see the "Supplementary
located on the dashboard to make surefacing forward on an outside rear seat,Restraint System (SRS) - Airbag"
that it has actually been deactivated.independently of its weight group, mustparagraph), verifying deactivation by
Carefully follow the instructionsbe fitted after removing the headrestchecking whether theLEDhas
supplied with the child restraint system.relative to the seat where it is to beilluminated on the dashboard. Move the
passenger's seat as far back as possible to
Keeptheinstructions in the vehiclefitted. This does not apply to childavoid contact between the child seat and
along with the other documents andrestraint systems that only consist of athe dashboard.
this handbook. Do not use cushion (without backrest): these child79) Do not move the front or rear seat if a
second-hand child restraint systemsrestraint systems must be installedchild is seated on it or on the dedicated
without instructions. whentherelative headrest is fitted.child restraint system
80) Incorrect fitting of the child restraint
Only one child is to be strapped into system may result in an inefficient
each restraint system; never carry two protection system. In the event of an
children using one child restraint WARNING accident the child restraint system may
system. becomeloose and the child may be
injured, even fatally. When fitting a restraint
Always check that the seat belts do76) SEVERE DANGERWhenafrontsystem for newborns or children, strictly
not rest on the child’s neck.passenger airbag is fitted, do not installcomply with the instructions provided by
Always check that the seat belt isrearward facing child restraint systems onthe Manufacturer.
well fastened by pulling on it.the front passenger seat. Deployment of81) When the child restraint system is not
While travelling, do not let the childthe airbag in an accident could cause fatalused, secure it with the seat belt or with
injuries to the child regardless of thethe ISOFIX anchorages, or remove it from
sit incorrectly or unfasten the belts.severity of the collision. It is advisable tothe vehicle. Do not leave it unsecured
Never allow a child to put the belt'salways carry children in a child restraintinside the passenger compartment. In this
diagonal section under an arm orsystem on the rear seat, which is the mostway, in the case of sudden braking or an
behind their back. protected position in the event of aaccident, it will not cause injuries to the
collision. occupants.

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year of production from: 2015

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