owners manual Toyota Celica
owners manual Toyota Celica - year of production: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Toyota Celica VII 7 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Celica, year of production 1999 - 2006:
’03MY CELICA U (L/O 0208)
Even if the abnormality of the electronic (h) “ABS” Warning LightA warning light turning on briefly during
throttle control system is corrected during The light comes on when the ignition key operation does not indicate a problem.
low speed driving, the system may not be
recovered until the engine is stopped andis turned to the “ON” position. If the anti–CAUTION
lock brake system works properly, the
the ignition key is turned to “ACC” or
“LOCK” position. light turns off after a few seconds. There-If the “ABS” warning light remains on
after, if the system malfunctions, the lighttogether with the brake system warn-
CAUTION comes on again. ing light, immediately stop your ve-
When the “ABS” warning light is on (and
hicle at a safe place and contact your
Be especially careful to prevent erro-the brake system warning light is off), the Toyota dealer.
neous pedal operation. anti–lock brake system does not operate,In this case, not only the anti–lock
but the brake system still operates con-brake system will fail but also the
Emissions Inspection and Maintenance ventionally. vehicle will become extremely unsta-
(I/M) programs When the “ABS” warning light is on (andble during braking.
Your vehicle may not pass a state emis-the brake system warning light is off), the
sion inspection if the malfunction indicatoranti–lock brake system does not operate (i) Open Door Warning Light
lamp remains on. Contact your Toyotaso that the wheels could lock up during
dealer to check your vehicle’s emissiona sudden braking or braking on slippery This light remains on until both side doors
control system and OBD (On–Board Diag- road surfaces. and back door are completely closed.
If either of the following conditions
nostics) system before taking your vehicle
for the inspection. occurs, this indicates a malfunction
For details, see “Emissions Inspection and somewhere in the parts monitored by
Maintenance (I/M) programs” in Section 6.the warning light system. Contact your
Toyota dealer as soon as possible to
(g) Low Fuel Level Warning Lightservice the vehicle.
This light comes on when the fuel level The light does not come on when the
in the tank becomes nearly empty. Fill upignition key is turned to the “ON” posi-
the tank as soon as possible. tion, or remains on.
The light comes on while you are driv-
2003 CELICA from Aug. ’02 Prod. (OM20809U)

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year of production from: 1999

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