owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
WARNING Donotfillaportablefuelcontainerin● Tightenuntilthefuelfillercapclicks.
● Gasoline is extremely flammable andthe vehicle or trailer. Static electric-Failure to tighten the fuel filler cap
highly explosive under certain condi-ity can cause an explosion of flam-properly may cause themal-
tions. Youcouldbeburnedorseriouslymable liquid, vapor or gas in anyfunction indicator lamp (MIL) to illu-
injured if it is misused or mishandled.vehicle or trailer. To reduce the riskminate. If thelamp illuminates
Always stop the engine and do notof serious injury or death when fill-becausethefuelfillercapislooseor
smoke or allow open flames or sparksing portable fuel containers:missing, tighten or install the cap
near the vehicle when refueling.— Always place the container onand continue to drive the vehicle.
● Fuel may be under pressure. Turn thethe ground when filling.Thelampshouldturnoffaftera
capone-halfturnandwaitforany‘‘hiss-— Do not use electronic devicesfew driving trips. If thelamp
ing’’ sound to stop to prevent fuel fromwhile filling.does not turn off after a few driving
spraying out and possibly causing per- trips, have the vehicle inspected by
sonal injury. Then remove the cap.— Keepthepumpnozzlein contactan authorized NISSAN dealer.
with the container while you are● For additional information, see the
● Do not attempt to top off the fuelfilling it.‘‘Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL)’’
tankafterthefuelpumpnozzleshuts— Use only approved portable fuelin the ‘‘Instruments and controls’’
off automatically. Continued refuel-containers for flammable liquid.section earlier in this manual.
ing may cause fuel overflow, result-● Neverpourfuelintothethrottlebody
ing in fuel spray and possibly fire.to attempt to start your vehicle.
● Use only an original equipment type
fuelfiller cap as a replacement.Ithas
a built-in safety valve needed forCAUTION
proper operation of the fuel system● If fuel is spilled on the vehicle body,
and emission control system. An in-flush it away with water to avoid
correct cap can result in a seriouspaint damage.
malfunction and possible injury. It
could also cause the malfunction
indicator lamp to come on.
3-14 Pre-driving checks and adjustments

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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