owners manual Mazda MX-5
owners manual Mazda MX-5 - year of production: 2014 - Mazda MX 5 Miata ND IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mazda MX-5, year of production 2014:
MX-5_8EN7-EA-14E_Edition1 Page87
Friday, March 28 2014 3:38 PM
Black plate (87,1)
TrunkLid qOpeningandClosingtheTrunkLid
Never allow a person to ride in the Close the trunk lid and do not allow
trunk: children to play inside the vehicle:
Allowing a person to ride in the trunkLeaving the trunk lid open or leaving
is dangerous. In addition, the personchildren in the vehicle with the keys is
in the trunk could be seriously dangerous. Children could open the
injured or killed during sudden trunk lid and climb inside resulting in
braking or a collision. possible injury or death from heat
Keepthetrunkclosed whendriving: Always keep the car from being a
Exhaust gas entering the cabin of atempting place to play by latching the
vehicle through an open trunk is doors and the trunk, and keeping the
dangerous. This gas contains CO keys where children can not play with
(carbon monoxide), which is them:
colorless, odorless, and highly Leaving children or animals
poisonous. If inhaled, it can cause unattended in a parked vehicle is
loss of consciousness and death. dangerous. Babies left sleeping and
CAUTION children who lock themselves in cars
or trunks can die very quickly from
ØBeforeopeningthetrunklid, heat prostration. Do not leave your
remove any snow and ice children or pets alone in a car at any
accumulation on it. Otherwise, thetime. Do not leave the car or the
trunk lid could close under the trunk unlocked.
weight of the snow and ice Openingthetrunklid with the key
resulting in injury.
ØBecarefulwhenopening/closing Insert the key into the slot and turn it
the trunk lid during strong winds.clockwise.
If a strong gust blows against the
trunk lid, it could close suddenly
resulting in injury.
ØFully open the trunk lid and make
sure that it stays open. If the trunk
lid is only opened partially, it
could slam shut by vibration or
wind gusts resulting in injury.
ØWhenloadingorunloading Open
luggage in the trunk, turn off the
engine. Otherwise, you could get
burned by the heat of the exhaust
Form No.8EN7-EA-14E
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Mazda MX 5 Miata ND IV 4 owners manual
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