owners manual Nissan Maxima
owners manual Nissan Maxima - year of production: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 - Nissan Maxima IV 4 A32 Cefiro owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Maxima, year of production 1995 - 1999:
CDEJECTbutton the temperature before use.Power antenna
WhentheCDEJECTbuttonispushedwiththeI Do not expose the CD to directThe antenna will automatically extend when
compact disc loaded, the compact disc will besunlight. the radio is turned on, and retract when
ejected. switched off. If the radio is left on, the antenna
Whenthis button is pushed while the compact will retract and extend with the ignition key
disc is being played, the compact disc will “OFF-ON” operation.
come out and the system will turn off.
If the compact disc comes out and is not I Before turning the radio on, make
removed,it will be pulled back into the slot sure that there is no one near the
to protect it.
CD(DISC) indicator light antenna outlet and there is enough
space for it to extend.
This light comes on when the compact disc is I To prevent damage, be sure that an-
loaded. tenna is fully retracted before the
vehicle enters an automated car
I During cold weather or rainy days, I Dirt and other foreign matter on the
theplayermaymalfunctionduetothe power antenna rod may interrupt its
humidity. If this occurs, remove the operation. Clean the rod periodically
CD and dehumidify or ventilate the with a damp cloth. This type of clean-
player completely. ing is especially important during the
I The player may skip while driving on winter seasons in areas where road
rough roads. salt and other chemicals may be
spreadon roadsurfacesand
I The CD player sometimes cannot splashed onto the antenna rod.
function when the compartment tem-
perature is extremely high. Decrease
Z01.2.1/A32-D X
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year of production from: 1995
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Nissan Maxima IV 4 A32 Cefiro owners manual
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