owners manual Hummer H2
owners manual Hummer H2 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Hummer H2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hummer H2, year of production 2002 - 2010:
Programmable Unlocking Feature3. Press the unlock side of the power lock switch once.
The following is the list of available programmingYouwill hear one, two, three, or four chimes. The
options: numberofchimestellsyouwhichunlockmodeis
currently selected. Continue to press the door unlock
Mode 1: Driver’s door unlocks when the transmission isswitch until the number of chimes that you hear
shifted into PARK (P). matchesthenumberofthemodethatyouwant.If
Mode 2: All doors unlock when the transmission isautomatically lock and unlock and the horn will
shifted into PARK (P). chirp twice to indicate that you have left the
Mode 3: All doors unlock when the key is removedprogrammode.Ifthisoccurs,youcanrepeatthe
from the ignition. procedurebeginningwithStep1tore-enterthe
Mode 4: No automatic door unlock.Youcanexittheprogrammodeanytimebyturningthe
The following instructions tell you how to change theignition to RUN (the doors will automatically lock and
automatic door unlock mode. Choose one of theunlock and the horn will chirp twice to indicate that you
four programming options listed above before enteringare leaving the program mode). If the lock/unlock
the program mode. To enter the program mode, doswitches are not pressed while in the programming mode,
the following: the current automatic settings will not be modified.
1. Begin with the ignition off. Then pull the turn
signal/multifunction lever toward you and hold
it there while you perform the next step.
2. Turn the key to RUN and LOCK twice. Then, with the
lever. Once you do this, the doors will lock and
unlock, the horn will chirp twice, and a 30-second
timer will begin. You are now ready to program the
automatic door unlock feature.
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year of production from: 2002
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