owners manual Hyundai Atos
owners manual Hyundai Atos - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 - Hyundai Atos owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Atos, year of production 1997 - 2008:
E020C01A-AAT E030A01A-AAT To clean whitewall tires, use a stiff brush or
Keep Your Garage Dry WASHING AND WAXING soapy steel-wool scouring pad.
Don't park your car in a damp, poorly ventilated Washing Your Hyundai
garage. This creates a favorable environment To clean plastic wheel covers, use a clean
Never wash your car when the surface is hot
for corrosion. This is particularly true if you
from being in the sun. Always wash your car in sponge or soft cloth and water.
wash your car in the garage or drive it into the the shade.
garage when it is still wet or covered with snow, To clean cast aluminum alloy wheels, use a
ice or mud. Even a heated garage can contrib- Wash your car frequently. Dirt is abrasive and mild soap or neutral detergent. Do not use
ute to corrosion unless it is well ventilated so abrasive cleaners. Protect the bare-metal sur-
can scratch the paint if it is not removed. Air
moisture is dispersed. pollution or acid rain may damage the paint and faces by cleaning, polishing and waxing. Be-
cause aluminum is subject to corrosion, be sure
E020D01A-AAT trim through chemical action if pollutants are
Keep Paint and Trim in Good Condition allowed to remain in contact with the surface. Ifto give aluminum alloy wheels special attention
in winter. If you drive on salted roads, clean the
Scratches or chips in the finish should be cov- you live near the ocean or in an area where
road salts or dust control chemicals are used, wheels thoroughly afterwards.
ered with "touch-up" paint as soon as possible
you should pay particular attention to the under-
to reduce the possibility of corrosion. If bare After washing, be sure to rinse thoroughly. If
side of the car. Start by rinsing the car to
metal is showing through, the attention of a soapy water dries on the finish, streaking will
qualified body and paint shop is recommended. remove dust and loose dirt. In winter, or if you
have driven through mud or muddy water, be
sure to thoroughly clean the underside as well.
When the weather is warm and the humidity
Use a hard direct stream of water to remove
E020E01A-AAT low, you may find it necessary to rinse each
Don't Neglect the Interior accumulations of mud or corrosive materials.
section immediately after washing to avoid
Use a good quality car-washing solution and
Moisture can collect under the floor mats and streaking.
follow the manufacturer's directions on the pack-
carpeting to cause corrosion. Check under the age. These are available at your Hyundai deal-
mats periodically to be sure the carpeting is dry.er or auto parts outlet. Don't use strong house-After rinsing, dry the car using a damp chamois
Use particular care if you carry fertilizers, clean- or soft, absorbent cloth. The reason for drying
hold detergents, gasoline, strong solvents or
ing materials or chemicals in the car. abrasive cleaning powders as these may dam- the car is to remove water from the car so it will
These should be carried only in proper contain- age the finish. dry without water spots. Don't rub, this can
ers and any spills or leaks should be cleaned damage the finish.
up, flushed with clear water and thoroughly
Use a clean sponge or cloth, rinse it frequently
dried. If you find any nicks or scratches in the paint,
and don't damage the finish by rubbing too
use touch-up paint to cover them to prevent
hard. For stubborn spots, dampen them fre-
quently and remove them a little at a time. corrosion. To protect the paintwork of the car
against corrosion, you must clean your Hyundai

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year of production from: 1997

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