owners manual Peugeot 1007
owners manual Peugeot 1007 - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Peugeot 1007 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 1007, year of production 2004 - 2009:
28 - Instruments and controls
Distance remaining to be travelledSpeciic features of the On-board computer coniguration
This is the distance remaining to the monochrome screen CT and This function allows the distance to
inal destination. It can either be cal-the colour screen DTthe destination to be input (when
culated by the navigation if guidance guidance is not activated; otherwise
is activated, or entered by the user, General menu this information is given by the navi-
minus the distance covered since the Press the "MENU" button to access gation system) and also changing of
distance was entered. the general menu. the units of measurement (°C or °F,
Note: if digits are missing, dashes Select the icon ''On-board com-km and litres or miles and gallons).
are displayed in their place.puter'' using the dial, then validate The consumptions (current or average)
to access the ''On-board computer'' can be programmed and therefore dis-
Average speed menu. played in mpg (litres/100 or in km/litre).
This is the average speed calculated The ''On-board computer'' menu of-
since the computer was last set to fers various choices:
zero (with the ignition on). - On-board computer coniguration,Diagnostics
- Diagnostics. This function permits displaying
of the warning log, the equipment
load level and the number of satel-
"On-board computer" context lites which can be detected by the
menu system.
The context menu associated with Warning log
the "On-board computer" applica-This summarises the active warning
tion appears as a superimposed dis-messages by displaying them in suc-
play when the on-board computer is cession on the multifunction display.
the application currently being used
in the main screen window.
Briely press the continuous applica-
tion "On-board computer" button to Distance to destination
select one of the following functions:When guidance is not activated, this
- Warning log, enables an approximate value to be
The routes - Distance to destination. entered to make all the on-board
The routes "1" and ''2'' are independ- computer calculations possible.
ent but have identical application.
Route "1" for example allows you
to make daily calculations and route
"2" monthly calculations.

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year of production from: 2004

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