owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Features of your vehicle
Type A If unlocked, the tailgate can be openedClosing the tailgate
by pressing the handle and pulling it up.To close the tailgate, lower and push
* The actual feature may differ from the illus-down the tailgate firmly. Make sure that
tration. the tailgate is securely latched.
In cold and wet climates doorlock and fumes
doormechanisms may not work prop-If you drive with the tailgate open,
erly due to freezing conditions. you will draw dangerous exhaust
When jacking up the vehicle to
OED036010 fumes into your vehicle which can
change a tire or repair the vehicle, do
Type B cause serious injury or death to
not operate the tailgate. This could
vehicle occupants.
cause the tailgate to close improperly.
If you must drive with the tailgate
open,keep the air vents and all win-
CAUTION dows open so that additional out-
Do not put any heavy object on the side air comes into the vehicle.
covering shelf. It may damage the
covering shelf.
WARNING - Rear cargo
OED030010 area
Opening the tailgate WARNING Occupants should never ride in the
rear cargo area where no restraints
Do not put any object on the cov-
The tailgate is locked or unlocked whenering shelf. If the vehicle sudden-are available.To avoid injury in the
all doors are locked or unlocked with the event of an accident or sudden
ly stops or makes a curve,the
key, transmitter or central door lock stops, occupants should always be
object may injure passengers.
switch. Watch out for the edge of the cov-properly restrained.
Only the tailgate is unlocked if the onlyering shelf, when you are using
tailgate unlock button on the transmitterthe luggage room.You may injure
is pressed (if equipped). Once the tail- yourself.
gate is opened and then closed, the tail-
gate is locked automatically.
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year of production from: 2006

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KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual
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