owners manual Subaru Impreza
owners manual Subaru Impreza - year of production: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - Subaru Impreza IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Impreza, year of production 2011 - 2016:
Black plate (86,1)
1-58 Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags
ized SUBARU dealer. The SRS air-replaced, use only genuine SUBARU&Precautions against vehicle
bag control module, impact sensorsparts. modification
and airbag modules are stored inNOTE
these areas. WARNING
. Under the center consoleIn the following cases, contact your
. OnboththerightandleftsidesatSUBARUdealer as soon as possible.To avoid accidental activation of the
the front of the vehicle. The front part of the vehicle wassystem or rendering the system
involved in an accident in which onlyinoperative, which may result in
. Steering wheel and column andthe driver’s SRS frontal airbag or bothserious injury, no modifications
nearby areas driver’s and front passenger’sSRS should be made to any components
. Bottom of the steering columnfrontal airbags did not deploy.or wiring of the SRS airbag system.
and nearby areas . The pad of the steering wheel, theThis includes following modifica-
. Top of the dashboard on frontcover over the front passenger’s SRStions.
passenger’ssideandnearbyfrontal airbag, or either roof side (from. Installation of custom steering
areas the front pillar to a point over the rearwheels
. Each front seat and nearby areaseat) is scratched, cracked, or other-
wise damaged. . Attachment of additional trim
. Inside each center pillar. The center pillar, front door, rearmaterials to the dashboard
. Inside each front door wheel house or rear sub frame, or an. Installation of custom seats
. In each roof side (from the frontarea near these parts, was involved in. Replacement of seat fabric or
pillar to a point over the rear seat)an accident in which the SRS sideleather
airbag and SRS curtain airbag did not
. Between the rear seat cushiondeploy. . Installation of additional fabric or
and rear wheel house on each. The fabric or leather of either frontleather on the front seat
side seatback is cut, frayed, or otherwise. Attachment of a hands-free mi-
. Under the rear center seatdamaged. crophoneoranyotheraccessory
. The rear part of the vehicle wasto a front pillar, a center pillar, a
In the event that the SRS airbag isinvolved in an accident in which norear pillar, the windshield, a side
deployed, replacement of the systemSRSairbag was deployed.window, an assist grip, or any
shouldbeperformedonlybyanauthor- other cabin surface that would be
ized SUBARUdealer.Whenthecompo- near a deploying SRS curtain
nents of the SRS airbag system are airbag.
北米Model "A1120BE-B" EDITED: 2011/ 10/ 28
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year of production from: 2011
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Subaru Impreza IV 4 owners manual
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