owners manual Volvo XC70
owners manual Volvo XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo XC70 Cross Country II 2 manuel du proprietaire FR
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text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC70, year of production 2007:
03 Instruments et commandes
Combiné d'instruments - contrat de upon written request. Please contact your
Nombre Couleurs Niveau de
licence nearest Volvo Dealer.
de diodes des dio- carburant
Une licence est un contrat permettant d'exer-
des (%) The offer is valid for a period of at least three
cer une certaine activité ou de bénéficier de
(3) years from the date of the distribution of
1 Vert 20
certains droits conformément aux conditions
this product by VCC / or for as long as VCC
énoncées dans le contrat. Le texte qui suit
offers spare parts or customer support.
1 Orange 10
constitue l'accord passé par Volvo avec les
Portions of this product uses software
fabricants/développeurs. Il est rédigé en
copyrighted © 2007 The FreeType Project
Lorsque le réservoir de gaz de véhicule est
(www.freetype.org). All rights reserved.
vide, le commutateur émet 3 fois un signal
sonore. L'indicateur de niveau s'éteint et le Combined Instrument Panel Software
Portions of this product uses software with
système passe automatiquement à l'essence. Open Source Software Notice
Copyright © 1994–2013 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
This product uses certain free / open source
and other software originating from third
parties, that is subject to the GNU Lesser
Assurez-vous que le réservoir d'essence
n'est jamais complètement vide, car la voi- General Public License version 2 (LGPLv2),
ture démarre toujours à l'essence. The FreeType Project License ("FreeType
License") and other different and/or additional
copy right licenses, disclaimers and notices.
The links to access the exact terms of
LGPLv2, and the other open source software This product includes software under
licenses, disclaimers, acknowledgements and following licenses:
notices are provided to you below. Please
LGPL v2.1: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-
refer to the exact terms of the relevant
License, regarding your rights under said
• GNU FriBidi
licenses. Volvo Car Corporation (VCC) offers
to provide the source code of said free/open DevIL
source software to you for a charge covering
The FreeType Project License: http://
the cost of performing such distribution, such
as the cost of media, shipping and handling,
• FreeType 2
Avec les instruments analogiques, l'heure est affichée au centre des instruments.
Concerne la version Bi-Fuel.

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year of production from: 2007

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Volvo XC70 Cross Country II 2 manuel du proprietaire
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Volvo XC70 Cross Country II 2 manuel du proprietaire
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