owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
Battery saver system O Neverleavethelightswitchonwhenthe
O When the headlight switch is in theengine is not running for extended pe-
or positionwhiletheignition riods of time even if the headlights turn
keyis in the ON position, the lights willoff automatically.
automatically turn off 45 seconds after
the ignition switch has been turned to Daytime running light system
the OFF position. However, the lights
will turn off if the driver’s or front pas-(Canadaonly)
senger’s door is opened in this condi- Thedaytimerunninglightsautomaticallyil-
tion. luminate at a reduced intensity when the
O Whentheheadlight switch remains in engineisstartedwiththeparkingbrakere-
the or position after theleased. The daytime running lights operate
SIC2413 lights automatically turn off, the lights with the headlight switch in the OFF posi-
will turn on when the ignition switch istion or in theposition. Turn the head-
Headlightbeamselect turned to the ON position from the OFFlightswitchtothepositionforfullillu-
position. minationwhendrivingatnight.
1 Toselect the low beam, put the lever in
j If the parking brake is applied before the
theneutralpositionasshown. CAUTION engine is started, the daytime running
2 Toselectthehighbeam,pushthelever lights do not illuminate. The daytime run-
forward while the switch is in theO Eventhoughthebatterysaverfeatureau-ning lights illuminate once the parking
position. Pull it back to select thetomaticallyturnsofftheheadlightsafterabrake is released. The daytime running
lowbeam. lights will remain on until the ignition
3 Pulling the lever toward you will flash
j light switch to the OFF position when the
theheadlighthighbeamevenwhenthe engineisnotrunningtoavoiddischarging
headlightswitchisintheOFFposition. thevehiclebattery.
Instrumentsandcontrols 2-25

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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